soates / Auto-Import

vscode extension that will automatically finds, parses and provides code actions for all available imports. Only currently works with files in your folder and TypeScript.
MIT License
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Long time saving files #123

Open 7iomka opened 2 years ago

7iomka commented 2 years ago

Saving 'index.tsx': Running 'TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features' Formatter (configure)... Every save of file i wait aprox. 3-5sec...

I tested what extension is problematic with command Start Extension Bisect and found this extension.

After I disabled this extension - everything is fine

Jule- commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I have identified the same issue.

And it is more than just saving files for me this extension also has a performance impact when using Git extensions just staging/unstaging files. Triggering intellisense popup on simple code when you just don't want to lose time typing all your variables declared 2 lines before and you have to wait 5s for that...

This is a real productivity killer for me, I had to disable it, unusable in my project. :disappointed:

CarlosMed commented 1 year ago

I have sadly disabled this extension as it was breaking everything else. I would constantly get a box saying Saving '_app.tsx': Getting code actions from "Tailwind CSS IntelliSense', 'ESLint', 'TypeScript Importer', 'Console Ninja'. I also noticed that my editor would constantly say Loading... when using IntelliSense which was unproductive from my end. Between those two items I was getting fed up till I tried bisecting the extensions and turned out it was this one. It's a letdown as I love this extension for easy imports. 🥲