soates / Auto-Import

vscode extension that will automatically finds, parses and provides code actions for all available imports. Only currently works with files in your folder and TypeScript.
MIT License
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Auto-Create not found file - Suggestion #83

Open lukaszpolowczyk opened 6 years ago

lukaszpolowczyk commented 6 years ago

When write not exist function/class, this symbol will be underlined as not existing.

I suggest you make the bulb-function who create import (...) line(as with auto-import existing files), but also create file (with before set snippet and pointed folder) with module.

Thanks to this, by simply entering the name of class in the code, we have:

All this has to be done manually now. And you can automate it so much.

In principle, you can also add a function to create this class / function inside the active file, because it is also useful and even simple to do.

Snippets should be adapted from standard things like simple js class, react-components etc. Such snippets already exist, you just have to use them and adapt to them.

This thing fits your extension like anywhere else. :) I think so.