soates / Auto-Import

vscode extension that will automatically finds, parses and provides code actions for all available imports. Only currently works with files in your folder and TypeScript.
MIT License
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VS Code freezes after generating files with Webpack #94

Open LeonBorWork opened 5 years ago

LeonBorWork commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for this awesome plugin.

I'm facing a problem where VS Code freezes and my Mac complete is unable to do something. Restarting laptop is most of the time the only way to fix.

Code Version: Version 1.28.1 (1.28.1) Auto Import: 1.5.3

On start of Webpack we generated about 80 Models vom a Swagger Ui endpoint. Before we generate the new ones we delete all old files in that folder. That is were everything is crashing.

It seems a little bit like Auto Import is trying to index the old files, then we delete them an generate new Models and some where between Auto Import is crashing.

A quick fix would to change the Files To Scan in the settings, but if we change the structure of the project i would have to change it in every project. Or is there another way to fix it?

Cheers, Leon