sobisonator / imp19c

Imperator 19th century mod
11 stars 15 forks source link

Peerage system #323

Open sobisonator opened 2 years ago

sobisonator commented 2 years ago

For non-ruling nobility, what if we made a “peerage” tab that’s only available for certain governments, with a certain number of titles to assign? The titles would be jobs that give prominence and an income, are inherited according to the country’s laws, and can be held concurrently with a normal government job. It would be nice if we could tie the titles to the country’s geography in a dynamic way too (ie Duke of Devonshire, Earl of Arundel or whatever) and also have certain titles set aside to be held by royal family members (like Prince of Asturias/Wales) but even having the generic titles as jobs in game would be a nice start

Thought of a fairly neat way to structure the events for granting peerage titles:

Character interaction leads to a hidden event to check if the current country is one with its own defined set of titles or with generic/autogenerated ones. Based on that, brings up an event with options for the country depending on land controlled - eg the UK with its starting borders would have the options of granting a Scottish, Irish or English peerage (could also allow to grant a title relating to a colonial region like Canada) with each depending on whether any provinces in the appropriate region are controlled.

Options from the first event direct to a second event where options can vary - if a UK player picked to grant a Scottish or Irish peerage they’d get a list of available ranks as options, each of which will lead to the next event that checks for an appropriate territory or area corresponding to the title rank (including for lower level titles that correspond to a smaller area within a territory). If you picked to grant an English peerage, you get asked which region of England you’d like the title to come from (because England is quite big) which takes you to an event where you select a rank for a title in the region.

Within the English, Scottish or Irish peerage you’d have the option to grant a generic lordship which gives a nickname in the form “John, Lord Doe” rather than granting a landed title.

If you’ve picked a rank for a “landed” title grant, you get taken to another event that shows possible grants at that rank. If there are more than 5 available at the rank in the region, you choose between the first 5 found. If the title corresponds to something larger than a territory, it by default goes with a holding in the related area - so for example if there was no Duke of York and you decided to grant the title to John Doe, you’d give him a holding in Yorkshire along with the title. Would be fun to also have grantable traits for knighthoods/orders, we could just have a few traits with dynamic loc giving appropriate name and description

Knighthoods / orders could be international too, that would be really interesting.

sobisonator commented 1 year ago

This could be linked into the title system for characters, which would include head of state status.