sobisonator / imp19c

Imperator 19th century mod
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Game crash on load save #405

Closed sobisonator closed 10 months ago

sobisonator commented 12 months ago

Application: Sulla Version: 2.0.1-beta Date/Time: 2023-07-23 20:56:33

Unhandled Exception C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) at address 0x00007FF758CE95D2

Expand exception.txt 2 KB dunno if it's helpful, maybe see if you previously got the same exception here, in case there's more than in your log [20:53:05][dlc.cpp:347]: Invalid supported_version in file: mod/pdx_25181.mod line: 6 [20:53:05][dlc.cpp:347]: Invalid supported_version in file: mod/ugc_1851278287.mod line: 6 [20:53:05][dlc.cpp:347]: Invalid supported_version in file: mod/ugc_2156727393.mod line: 6 [20:53:05][dlc.cpp:347]: Invalid supported_version in file: mod/ugc_2156727764.mod line: 6 [20:53:05][dlc.cpp:347]: Invalid supported_version in file: mod/ugc_2156728081.mod line: 6 [20:53:05][dlc.cpp:347]: Invalid supported_version in file: mod/ugc_2397963108.mod line: 6 ... (473 KB left) Expand error.log 523 KB Dementive — Today at 20:11 Probably this error. Stuff like this definitely causes crashes.

[20:55:57][pdx_assert.cpp:566]: Assertion failed: Province (3882 -> Livorno) from country (63 -> Tuscany) (seazone: 0) has a problem. Each province that is allowed to have a port needs a correct seazoneid for it. No port or seazone found when expected. Simsonbaaisonator — Today at 20:14 Huh... you think it would cause a crash only after saving and loading, not on game start? Will look at fixing it anyway

sobisonator commented 12 months ago

Version: 2.0.1-beta 
Date/Time: 2023-07-23 20:56:33

Unhandled Exception C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) at address 0x00007FF758CE95D2

Stack Trace: 
  1    imperator.exe            CCountryManager::ClearCachedData (country_manager.cpp: 147)
  2    imperator.exe            CGameState::ClearCachedData (gamestate.cpp: 3149)
  3    imperator.exe            CGameState::UpdateCachedData (gamestate.cpp: 1442)
  4    imperator.exe            CGameState::InitPostRead (gamestate.cpp: 1395)
  5    imperator.exe            PdxRead<CPersistent> (pdx_persistent_reader.h: 53)
  6    imperator.exe            CJominiSaveGameReader::ReadGameState (savegamehelper.cpp: 451)
  7    imperator.exe            CJominiSaveGameManagerBase::LoadGameState (savegamemanagerbase.cpp: 254)
  8    imperator.exe            boost::detail::function::void_function_obj_invoker0<<lambda_9d933a5cadeeb3de169dca50e43a9450>,void>::invoke (function_template.hpp: 158)
  9    imperator.exe            CPdxTaskScheduler::Run (pdx_task_scheduler.cpp: 590)
  10   imperator.exe            CTaskThread::Run (pdx_task_scheduler.cpp: 107)
  11   imperator.exe            ThreadFunc (pdx_thread_cxx11.cpp: 50)
  12   imperator.exe            std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void * (__cdecl*)(void * (__cdecl*)(void *),void *,char const *),void * (__cdecl*)(void *),void *,char const *>,0,1,2,3> (thread: 55)
  13   imperator.exe            thread_start<unsigned int (__cdecl*)(void *),1> (thread.cpp: 97)
  14   KERNEL32.DLL             BaseThreadInitThunk (+ 29)
  15   ntdll.dll                RtlUserThreadStart (+ 40)
  16   ntdll.dll                RtlUserThreadStart (+ 40)```
sobisonator commented 12 months ago

Probably this error. Stuff like this definitely causes crashes.

[20:55:57][pdx_assert.cpp:566]: Assertion failed: Province (3882 -> Livorno) from country (63 -> Tuscany) (seazone: 0) has a problem. Each province that is allowed to have a port needs a correct seazoneid for it. No port or seazone found when expected. Simsonbaaisonator — Today at 20:14

sobisonator commented 12 months ago

There were also some errors about parties being cleared that seem pretty odd that I've never seen before but they are probably not relevant

sobisonator commented 12 months ago

[20:55:57][pdx_assert.cpp:566]: Assertion failed: Province (3882 -> Livorno) from country (63 -> Tuscany) (seazone: 0) has a problem. Each province that is allowed to have a port needs a correct seazoneid for it. No port or seazone found when expected. Simsonbaaisonator — Today at 20:14

Fixed by 4e4189634b0bce38de96619a7275aa3038fb0226

Still crashing

sobisonator commented 12 months ago

[23:17:22][jomini/core/gamedatabase.h:419]: Failed to cache an item for common/pop_types! Key: citizen

Possible cause

sobisonator commented 10 months ago

Fixed. This was due to political parties being enabled for monarchies.