sobolevn / wakatime-zsh-plugin

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wakatime cli is not installed Ubuntu #20

Closed modem7 closed 2 years ago

modem7 commented 2 years ago

Hey guys,

When I install the plugin and set up ZSH, I get the following:



It works if I add this to my zsh config:

# Export Wakatime path
export ZSH_WAKATIME_BIN="/home/modem7/.wakatime/wakatime-cli"

this also works

# Export Wakatime path
export ZSH_WAKATIME_BIN="$HOME/.wakatime/wakatime-cli"

However this does not (still comes up with not installed):

# Export Wakatime path
export ZSH_WAKATIME_BIN="~/.wakatime/wakatime-cli"

Further testing: I've also added ls -la ~/.wakatime to my zsh config, and it properly outputs the .wakatime folder in my home directory.

Not quite sure where the issue is.

Would it be worthwhile changing the config from local wakatime_bin="${ZSH_WAKATIME_BIN:=~/.wakatime/wakatime-cli}" to local wakatime_bin="${ZSH_WAKATIME_BIN:=$HOME/.wakatime/wakatime-cli}"

sobolevn commented 2 years ago

yes, please!

modem7 commented 2 years ago

yes, please!

Would you like a PR for that? I can get one sorted out in a few.

modem7 commented 2 years ago

@sobolevn PR submitted for you.