sobotka / olive

NLE video editor
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[TODO] Automate Colour Transform Metadata #117

Open sobotka opened 4 years ago

sobotka commented 4 years ago

General TODO Summary

Currently, while managed, Olive requires manual entry of colourimetry information. While OpenColorIO provides for filename association, this too is frequently impractical, and also ignores the interrogation of metadata with potentially valuable hints. This TODO requires thinking of a method to link certain colourimetric information parcels to footage automatically, while providing creators with a viable path for customization.

Additional Information / Notes

As Olive's robustness for colour management grows, it is worth evaluating how and what metadata should be honoured. For example, Arri provides a robust set of metadata that include exposure index (EI), applied look data, etc.

Providing a plain readable bridging text XML file might be an option here. Given Olive will offer configurable overrides for colour transforms and colourimetric information, it might be feasible to couple the various configuration options under a single umbrella. That is, selecting footage with Arri metadata for example, could be automatically linked to the appropriate colour transform, and where possible, the appropriate CDL look, assembled via OpenColorIO for example.