soccerloway / quill-better-table

Module for better table in Quill, more useful features are supported.
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using in Angular with quill.js, Insert table doesn't work #25

Closed xiehongyang closed 4 years ago

xiehongyang commented 4 years ago

Hi, soccerloway, I am using quill.js in my angular project, and decide integrate this awesome table component to my project, but after setting configs in my project, the [insert table] function doesn't work as expected. it only generate some <p><br/></p> in my editor, and no error complains Are you saw this problem in before and Could you tell me where is this problem about? Thank you! 🙏

version: "quill": "2.0.0-dev.0", "quill-better-table": "^1.2.4",

xiehongyang commented 4 years ago

And also, this is my component.ts and html code:


<button (click)="onInsertTable()">Insert table</button>
<div #editable></div>


import {Component, OnInit, AfterViewInit, ViewChild, ElementRef} from '@angular/core';
import * as quillBetterTable from 'quill-better-table';

declare const Quill: any;

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
export class AppComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
  constructor() {

  @ViewChild('editable', {static: true}) editRef: ElementRef;

  quill: any;

  ngOnInit() {

  initEditor(): void {
      'modules/better-table': quillBetterTable
    }, true);
    // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression
    this.quill = new Quill(this.editRef.nativeElement, {
          theme: 'snow',
          modules: {
            table: false,
            'better-table': {
              operationMenu: {
                items: {
                  unmergeCells: {
                    text: 'Another unmerge cells name'
                color: {
                  colors: ['green', 'red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'white'],
                  text: 'Background Colors:'
            keyboard: {
              bindings: quillBetterTable.keyboardBindings

  ngAfterViewInit() {


  onInsertTable() {
    const tableModule = this.quill.getModule('better-table');
    tableModule.insertTable(3, 3);
soccerloway commented 4 years ago I tried your code in the environment above. I found it worked as expected when I reference quilljs and quill-better-table both via <script> tags. Then I tried in my local Vue environment, reference quill-better-table via ES6 import. There is an error: image The bundle file of quill-better-table has something wrong I think. Could you use script tag to reference quill-better-table for the time being? I will fix this error as soon as possible, Thanks for your report.

xiehongyang commented 4 years ago

@soccerloway after spent a little time, I find out it is the reference problem, So I imitate the way ngx-quill import the quill, it works.

code like this:

import {Component, OnInit, AfterViewInit, ViewChild, ElementRef, NgZone} from '@angular/core';
import * as quillBetterTable from 'quill-better-table';

declare const require: any;
let Quill: any = null;

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
export class AppComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
      private zone: NgZone,
  ) {

  @ViewChild('editable', {static: true}) editRef: ElementRef;

  quill: any;

  ngOnInit() {

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    if (!Quill) { => {   
        Quill = require('quill'); // ----------------> here to import the quill

      'modules/better-table': quillBetterTable
    }, true); => {
      this.quill = new Quill(this.editRef.nativeElement, {
            theme: 'snow',
            modules: {
              table: false,
              'better-table': {
                operationMenu: {
                  items: {
                    unmergeCells: {
                      text: 'Another unmerge cells name'
                  color: {
                    colors: ['green', 'red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'white'],
                    text: 'Background Colors:'
              keyboard: {
                bindings: quillBetterTable.keyboardBindings

  onInsertTable() {
    const tableModule = this.quill.getModule('better-table');
    tableModule.insertTable(3, 3);

Thanks for your replay and support, really awesome Table!

Fredxingxing commented 4 years ago

i use react and react-quill meet the same question, thx a lot.

akshaya-a-p commented 1 year ago

Im facing the same issue in react app. Can I get help in resolving this issue. Thank you.

import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from "react";
import ReactQuill, { Quill } from "react-quill-with-table";
import QuillBetterTable from "quill-better-table";
import "react-quill-with-table/dist/quill.snow.css";
import "quill-better-table/dist/quill-better-table.css";

Quill.register({ "modules/better-table": QuillBetterTable });

export default function Editor() {
  const reactQuillRef = useRef(null);

  const insertTable = () => {
    const editor = reactQuillRef.current.getEditor();
    const tableModule = editor.getModule("better-table");
    tableModule.insertTable(3, 3);

  useEffect(() => {
    const editor = reactQuillRef.current.getEditor();
    const toolbar = editor.getModule("toolbar");
    toolbar.addHandler("table", () => {
  }, []);

  const modules = useMemo(
    () => ({
      table: false,
      "better-table": {
        operationMenu: {
          items: {
            unmergeCells: {
              text: "Another unmerge cells name"
      keyboard: {
        bindings: QuillBetterTable.keyboardBindings
      toolbar: [
          { align: [] },
          { script: "sub" },
          { script: "super" },
          { list: "ordered" },
          { list: "bullet" },
          { indent: "-1" },
          { indent: "+1" }
        ], // toggled buttons
  return (
      <ReactQuill ref={reactQuillRef} modules={modules} theme="snow" />
Huseyin-altun commented 1 year ago

@xiehongyang I set up a similar structure and got an error as ' Unexpected token ':''