socfortress / CoPilot

SOCFortress CoPilot
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GrayLog #300

Closed jaoglesbee closed 2 hours ago

jaoglesbee commented 3 hours ago

hello after your response i decided to go ahead and set graylog up.. i am running into an issue and IM REALLY hoping you could help me troubleshoot it

2024-09-20T13:15:32.855-05:00 ERROR [VersionProbe] Unable to retrieve version from Elasticsearch node: Hostname not verified: certificate: sha256/K9vzq2kGyqfSIxoXnyyr1h2Z/lOSSVHEqk17Ln3eTCY= DN: CN=wazuh1.indexer, OU=Wazuh, O=Wazuh, L=California, C=US subjectAltNames: [wazuh1.indexer]. - Hostname not verified: certificate: sha256/K9vzq2kGyqfSIxoXnyyr1h2Z/lOSSVHEqk17Ln3eTCY= DN: CN=wazuh1.indexer, OU=Wazuh, O=Wazuh, L=California, C=US subjectAltNames: [wazuh1.indexer]. 2024-09-20T13:15:32.856-05:00 INFO [VersionProbe] Elasticsearch is not available. Retry

this is what im getting from greylog after walking through your tutorial.. there was a step " Add RootCA to Keystore if using HTTPS for Wazuh-Indexer" i am not using https on wazuh, but i tried it without running these steps and was getting an error so i went ahead and ran through the steps anyways and now im getting this error CAN YOU PLEASE HELP?

taylorwalton commented 2 hours ago

Please refer these type of questions to our Discord channel :