sochicodes31 / S3_robotics_course_2022

This is our final project for our Robotics. course (Sochi, Sayed, Sakshi)
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line follower #8

Closed sochicodes31 closed 1 year ago

sochicodes31 commented 1 year ago

must train robot to follow line, nit working yet

Sakshi28720 commented 1 year ago

It's done.



ZumoBuzzer buzzer; ZumoReflectanceSensorArray reflectanceSensors; ZumoMotors motors; Pushbutton button(ZUMO_BUTTON); int lastError = 0; // This is the maximum speed the motors will be allowed to turn. // (400 lets the motors go at top speed; decrease to impose a speed limit) const int MAX_SPEED = 400;

void setup() { // Play a little welcome song">g32>>c32");

// Initialize the reflectance sensors module reflectanceSensors.init();

// Wait for the user button to be pressed and released button.waitForButton();

// Turn on LED to indicate we are in calibration mode pinMode(13, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

// Wait 1 second and then begin automatic sensor calibration // by rotating in place to sweep the sensors over the line delay(1000); int i; for(i = 0; i < 80; i++) { if ((i > 10 && i <= 30) || (i > 50 && i <= 70)) motors.setSpeeds(-200, 200); else motors.setSpeeds(200, -200); reflectanceSensors.calibrate();

// Since our counter runs to 80, the total delay will be
// 80*20 = 1600 ms.

} motors.setSpeeds(0,0);

// Turn off LED to indicate we are through with calibration digitalWrite(13, LOW);">g32>>c32");

// Wait for the user button to be pressed and released button.waitForButton();

// Play music and wait for it to finish before we start driving."L16 cdegreg4"); while(buzzer.isPlaying()); }

void loop() { unsigned int sensors[6];

// Get the position of the line. Note that we must provide the "sensors" // argument to readLine() here, even though we are not interested in the // individual sensor readings int position = reflectanceSensors.readLine(sensors);

// Our "error" is how far we are away from the center of the line, which // corresponds to position 2500. int error = position - 2500;

// Get motor speed difference using proportional and derivative PID terms // (the integral term is generally not very useful for line following). // Here we are using a proportional constant of 1/4 and a derivative // constant of 6, which should work decently for many Zumo motor choices. // You probably want to use trial and error to tune these constants for // your particular Zumo and line course. int speedDifference = error / 4 + 6 * (error - lastError);

lastError = error;

// Get individual motor speeds. The sign of speedDifference // determines if the robot turns left or right. int m1Speed = MAX_SPEED + speedDifference; int m2Speed = MAX_SPEED - speedDifference;

// Here we constrain our motor speeds to be between 0 and MAX_SPEED. // Generally speaking, one motor will always be turning at MAX_SPEED // and the other will be at MAX_SPEED-|speedDifference| if that is positive, // else it will be stationary. For some applications, you might want to // allow the motor speed to go negative so that it can spin in reverse. if (m1Speed < 0) m1Speed = 0; if (m2Speed < 0) m2Speed = 0; if (m1Speed > MAX_SPEED) m1Speed = MAX_SPEED; if (m2Speed > MAX_SPEED) m2Speed = MAX_SPEED;

motors.setSpeeds(m1Speed, m2Speed); }