Description of the increment
In this increment, we propose to change the logic of the different contacts:
-Preference: if the system finds two contacts with different names but the same number, it should display the contacts' information in the preference screen, and ask the user which one he/she prefers. Once the user clicks on the “preferred contact”, the other one is deleted.
-Duplicates: If there are two users with the same name, the system should display a message saying that they are duplicates, and allow the user to confirm for the system to merge them.
Acceptance criteria:
-If two users have different names but the same number they should go to the 'preference' screen.
-If two users have the same name but different numbers, the system must allow the user to confirm the merge.
Description of the increment In this increment, we propose to change the logic of the different contacts: -Preference: if the system finds two contacts with different names but the same number, it should display the contacts' information in the preference screen, and ask the user which one he/she prefers. Once the user clicks on the “preferred contact”, the other one is deleted. -Duplicates: If there are two users with the same name, the system should display a message saying that they are duplicates, and allow the user to confirm for the system to merge them.
Acceptance criteria: -If two users have different names but the same number they should go to the 'preference' screen. -If two users have the same name but different numbers, the system must allow the user to confirm the merge.