socib / Leaflet.TimeDimension

Add time dimension capabilities on a Leaflet map.
MIT License
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React and Leaflet.TimeDimension #153

Closed ErikaHD closed 6 years ago

ErikaHD commented 6 years ago

Hi, Has anyone try to use Leaflet.TimeDimension with React? I will really appreciate any help on how to do this. Thank you :-)

murb commented 6 years ago

Don't have time for a full explainer, but here is some code that I've written. Warning: it's not the most elegant code, but the problem with leaflet & react is that react wants to manage all that is DOM, and Leaflet interferes with that.

Note, there are some quite project specific things going on here, but maybe you can follow what is happening.

ErikaHD commented 6 years ago

Thank you murb for your answer. I will look into it now. Did you try this library with Angular? I am thinking to use it for mobile app development.

Thanks again

murb commented 6 years ago

Nope, not used with angular or any other (semi-)native solution

Op 18 jul. 2018 om 11:16 heeft ErikaHD het volgende geschreven:

Thank you murb for your answer. I will look into it now. Did you try this library with Angular? I am thinking to use it for mobile app development.

Thanks again

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ErikaHD commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your help again. I really appreciate it.

benjamineac commented 1 year ago

@murb would I be able to take a look at the code you linked earlier? Seems the link is broken

murb commented 1 year ago

@benjamineac this is the code at the time it was still in the open:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import Leaflet from 'leaflet';
import 'leaflet.nontiledlayer';
import 'leaflet-timedimension';

class MapComponent extends Component {
  constructor (props) {
    this.initializeMap = this.initializeMap.bind(this);
    this.dimensionSummary = '';

  initializeMap (props) {
    if (this.currentMap) { this.currentMap.remove(); }

    const { timeInterval, zoom, centerLatLon, timeDimensionControl, geovisActions, dispatch } = props;

    this.currentMap ='map-8d7b0efd-96bb-4b8f-8ccd-936edbeac503', {
      buffer: 20,
      crs: Leaflet.CRS.EPSG3857,
      timeDimension: true,
      timeDimensionOptions: {
        timeInterval: timeInterval,
        period: 'PT5M'
      timeDimensionControlOptions: {
        position: 'bottomleft',
        playerOptions: {
          minBufferReady: 4,
          transitionTime: 500
      timeDimensionControl: timeDimensionControl
    }).setView(centerLatLon, zoom);

    Leaflet.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
      attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
    this.currentMapLayers = Leaflet.layerGroup();
    this.currentMapHotSpotLayers = Leaflet.layerGroup();

    this.currentLinesLayers = Leaflet.layerGroup();

    window.leafletMap = this.currentMap;

  componentDidMount () {

  componentWillUpdate (nextProps) {
    const { layers, hotSpots, geovisActions, dispatch, wmsDimensions, timeDimensionControl, focus } = nextProps;
    if (
      nextProps.viewName !== this.props.viewName ||
      nextProps.timeDimensionControl !== this.props.timeDimensionControl ||
      typeof this.currentMap === 'undefined'
    ) {
        timeDimensionControl: timeDimensionControl,
        timeInterval: nextProps.timeInterval,
        zoom: nextProps.zoom,
        centerLatLon: nextProps.centerLatLon
      this.lastUpdatedMapLayersAt = 0;

    if (this.currentMapHotSpotLayers) this.currentMapHotSpotLayers.clearLayers();

    const defaultIconOptions = {
      iconUrl: '/marker-blue.png',
      iconSize: [25, 43],
      iconAnchor: [12, 43],
      popupAnchor: [-3, -76],
      shadowUrl: '/marker-shadow.png',
      shadowSize: [31, 21],
      shadowAnchor: [0, 21]

    const defaultIcon = Leaflet.icon(

    const selectedIcon = Leaflet.icon(
      Object.assign(defaultIconOptions, { iconUrl: '/marker-lightblue.png' })

    hotSpots.forEach((hotspot) => {
      const selected = focus && hotspot.dataUrl === focus.dataUrl;
      const marker = Leaflet.marker(hotspot.centerLatLon, {
        icon: (selected ? selectedIcon : defaultIcon), alt:, title:
      marker.on('click', () => {
        dispatch(geovisActions.fetchTimeseries({ url: hotspot.dataUrl }));

    let newDimensionSummary = '';
    for (const dimension in wmsDimensions) {
      newDimensionSummary = newDimensionSummary + dimension + wmsDimensions[dimension];
    // every 5 min is ok for maplayers
    const mapLayerRefreshNeeded = (new Date()).getTime() - this.lastUpdatedMapLayersAt > 1000 * 60 * 1;
    if (mapLayerRefreshNeeded || newDimensionSummary !== this.dimensionSummary) {
      this.lastUpdatedMapLayersAt = (new Date()).getTime();
      this.dimensionSummary = newDimensionSummary;
    } else {
      return false;

    if (this.currentMapLayers) this.currentMapLayers.clearLayers();

    layers.forEach((layer) => {
      const variableWMSLayer = layer.wmsLayer.match(/\{(.*)\}/);

      const wmsLayer =  (variableWMSLayer) ? layer.wmsLayer.replace(variableWMSLayer[0], wmsDimensions[variableWMSLayer[1]]) : layer.wmsLayer;

      let layerOptions = {
        layers: wmsLayer,
        styles: layer.styles,
        format: 'image/png',
        opacity: (layer.opacity ? layer.opacity : 1),
        transparent: true,
        tileSize: 1500,
        updateWhenIdle: false,
        updateWhenZooming: false,
        updateInterval: 600
      for (const dimension in wmsDimensions) {
        layerOptions[`DIM_${dimension}`] = wmsDimensions[dimension];

      const llayer = (layer.timeLayer) ? Leaflet.timeDimension.layer.wms(Leaflet.tileLayer.wms(layer.wms, layerOptions)) : Leaflet.nonTiledLayer.wms(layer.wms, layerOptions);


    dispatch(geovisActions.fetchMapMetaData(layers[0], nextProps.focusLatLon, wmsDimensions));

  render () {
    return (
      <div id='map-8d7b0efd-96bb-4b8f-8ccd-936edbeac503' className='leaflet-map' />

MapComponent.propTypes = {
  viewName: PropTypes.string,
  timeDimensionControl: PropTypes.bool,
  geovisActions: PropTypes.object,
  dispatch: PropTypes.func

export default MapComponent;