sockeqwe / mosby

A Model-View-Presenter / Model-View-Intent library for modern Android apps
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MVP ViewState, restoreInstanceState is not called #333

Open kirilamenski opened 5 years ago

kirilamenski commented 5 years ago

Hi, I faced with some issue and would be very appriciate if you could help with it. I use gradle com.hannesdorfmann.mosby3:viewstate:3.1.1

This is my Activity class:

class MainActivity : BaseViewStateActivity<MainActivityView, MainActivityPresenter, MainViewState>(), MainActivityView {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    override fun onPostCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    override fun onNewViewStateInstance() {

    override fun createPresenter(): MainActivityPresenter = MainActivityPresenter()

    override fun createViewState(): MainViewState = MainViewState()

and ViewState:

class MainViewState : RestorableViewState<MainActivityView> {

    private val keyState = "MainViewState.KEY"

    var data = ArrayList<*>()

    override fun saveInstanceState(out: Bundle) {
        out.putString(keyState, "123")

    override fun restoreInstanceState(args: Bundle?): RestorableViewState<MainActivityView> {
        var savedString = args?.getString(keyState)
        return this

    override fun apply(view: MainActivityView?, retained: Boolean) {
        safeLet(view, data) { v, data ->


The problem is that restoreInstanceState is never called. Could you please explain me the logic in

The first time an Activity is started, restoreInstanceState is not called, because the bundle is null

if (bundle != null && viewState instanceof RestorableViewState) {
      RestorableViewState restoredViewState =
          ((RestorableViewState) viewState).restoreInstanceState(bundle);

but after rotate the screen, the method does not call as the program stops at line 92 (where return is called)

if (mosbyViewId != null) {
      VS viewState = PresenterManager.getViewState(activity, mosbyViewId);
      if (viewState != null) {
        // ViewState restored from PresenterManager
        setViewState(viewState, true, true);
        if (DEBUG) {
          Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "ViewState reused from Mosby internal cache for view: "
              + delegateCallback.getMvpView()
              + " viewState: "
              + viewState);


why is "return" called?

thank you in advance, Regards!