sockeqwe / sqlbrite-dao

DAO for SQLBrite
Apache License 2.0
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Inner classes incorrectly referenced in mappers #39

Open koral-- opened 8 years ago

koral-- commented 8 years ago

Trying to compile project with static inner class Foo:

    public static class Foo {
        public Foo() {

        public void setId(final long id) {


results in compilation error: Error:(11, 87) error: cannot find symbol class Foo Relevant part of generated mapper:

import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.database.Cursor;
import rx.functions.Func1;

 * Generated class to work with Cursors and ContentValues for MediaStoreManager.Foo
public final class FooMapper {
  public static final Func1<Cursor, MediaStoreManager.Foo> MAPPER = new Func1<Cursor, Foo>() {
    @Override public Foo call(Cursor cursor) {
      int idIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("id");
      MediaStoreManager.Foo item = new MediaStoreManager.Foo();
      if (idIndex >= 0) {
        item.setId( cursor.getLong( idIndex ) );
      return item;

  private FooMapper() {

There is proper enclosing class in variable declaration and javadoc but it is missing in type parameter and return value. Dependencies versions:

    apt 'com.hannesdorfmann.sqlbrite:object-mapper:0.6.0'
    compile 'com.hannesdorfmann.sqlbrite:annotations:0.6.0'
    classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.8'

BTW is it intended that there is checking whether column index >=0 in case when getColumnIndexOrThrow() is used? According to javadoc exception will be thrown in such case and condition is never false. BTW2 javadoc may use `{@link MediaStoreManager.Foo}.

sockeqwe commented 8 years ago

Thanks for reporting!

Yes this is an issue and I will fix it in next release (end of April).

Regarding index >=0: Good catch! This is caused because I share the code generation part with "optional columns" where cursor.getColumnIndex() will be used and here it will return -1 if column has not been found. But yes, this check is redundant and I will optimize that.

Adding javadoc link shouldn't be a big deal ...

Will fix all these issues in next version

nhattan123 commented 8 years ago

I want to check my source.!!!! The wep page I visit it all navigate to 1 other wep! And the time on my phone also does not run properly with the place I'm in! Please help me!