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IPv6 #757

Closed pinkladywithcoco closed 7 years ago

pinkladywithcoco commented 7 years ago


My home server support only IPv4.

Will IPv6/IPv4 clients be able to connect to an IPv4 server??

If the IPv6 client connect from to the url of my IPv4 server... will he be able to connect???

Can someone please confirm that...??

nuclearace commented 7 years ago

Usually you get both an IPv4 and IPv6 address, so everything should still work.

pinkladywithcoco commented 7 years ago

Hi nuclearace

Many thanks for the prompt reply!

But my ISP just told me that they dont support IPv6 and only IPv4 is provided.

Will IPv6 clients still be able to connect to my server???

nuclearace commented 7 years ago

Like I said, most ISPs that support IPv6 will provide both a IPv6 and IPv4 address. And if they don't there's things like 6in4

pinkladywithcoco commented 7 years ago

Thanks for confirming that :)