I'm trying to use socket.io-sticky library with a socket.io Redis stream adapter.
My use case is the following, I have several severs (A & B) and I have several worker on each server.
I saw the following picture on your README.md and it feels like it's exactly my use case.
I'm not using Express but directly the node internal Http library.
When I start the application I get no errors (all the setup part seems to be working fine) but whenever I create a websocket connection I get this error that crashes my application:
throw new ERR_INTERNAL_ASSERTION(message);
Error [ERR_INTERNAL_ASSERTION]: This is caused by either a bug in Node.js or incorrect usage of Node.js internals.
Please open an issue with this stack trace at https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues
at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:405:5)
at assert (node:internal/assert:14:11)
at ServerResponse.detachSocket (node:_http_server:294:3)
at resOnFinish (node:_http_server:984:7)
at ServerResponse.emit (node:events:514:28)
at onFinish (node:_http_outgoing:1005:10)
at afterWrite (node:internal/streams/writable:507:5)
at afterWriteTick (node:internal/streams/writable:494:10)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:81:21) {
Node.js v20.5.1
I don't really understand what I'm doing wrong so I'm just curious if implementing socket.io-stiky with a redis stream adapter is doable or not.
If anyone have any informations regarding the subject, it would be greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to use socket.io-sticky library with a socket.io Redis stream adapter.
My use case is the following, I have several severs (A & B) and I have several worker on each server. I saw the following picture on your README.md and it feels like it's exactly my use case.
I tried implementing both library like such:
on the worker side:
const httpServer = Http.createServer(); const io = new Server(httpServer); io.adapter(createAdapter(redis)); setupWorker(io);
on the primary side: ` const httpServer = http.createServer();
I'm not using Express but directly the node internal Http library.
When I start the application I get no errors (all the setup part seems to be working fine) but whenever I create a websocket connection I get this error that crashes my application:
`node:internal/assert:14 throw new ERR_INTERNAL_ASSERTION(message); ^
Error [ERR_INTERNAL_ASSERTION]: This is caused by either a bug in Node.js or incorrect usage of Node.js internals. Please open an issue with this stack trace at https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues
Node.js v20.5.1 `
I don't really understand what I'm doing wrong so I'm just curious if implementing socket.io-stiky with a redis stream adapter is doable or not.
If anyone have any informations regarding the subject, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.