socketry / async-http

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Cloudflare gem stop working with v0.60.1 #111

Open luk4s opened 1 year ago

luk4s commented 1 year ago

3.1.2 :002 > ::Cloudflare.connect(token: token) { |connection| puts zone = connection.zones.find_by_name("") }
 0.12s     warn: Async::Task [oid=0x2c434] [ec=0x2c448] [pid=17591] [2023-02-03 11:03:06 +0100]
               | Task may have ended with unhandled exception.
               |   Cloudflare::RequestError: #<Async::REST::Resource /client/zones?page=1&per_page=50&>: No route for that URI
               |   → /Users/lukas/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.1.2/gems/cloudflare-4.3.0/lib/cloudflare/representation.rb:85 in `process_response'
ioquatix commented 1 year ago

Hmm, odd, thanks for the report, I'll take a look.

ioquatix commented 1 year ago

This should be fixed with the latest update to protocol-http. Can you please test it and report back?