socketry / nio4r

Cross-platform asynchronous I/O primitives for scalable network clients and servers.
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Use clang-format for consistent styles, as discussed in PR #242 #246

Closed boazsegev closed 3 years ago

boazsegev commented 3 years ago

This PR currently has only the clang-format file, avoiding any changes to other files.

The style matches the discussion in #242 , where we strive for the minimal amount of changes in the code while also setting:

AlignConsecutiveMacros: false
AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
BreakBeforeBraces: Attach

This keeps the most prevalent styling choices in the current code base while minimizing edit amplification concern.

Should anyone request, I will add a commit to this PR with all files updated to this consistent style.

ioquatix commented 3 years ago

I'm happy to update the PR with the style changes.

However, it would make my life easier if we don't apply these to the libev code base since that comes from upstream, and I need to diff/merge it occasionally.

boazsegev commented 3 years ago

However, it would make my life easier if we don't apply these to the libev code base since that comes from upstream, and I need to diff/merge it occasionally.

Depending on how your IDE is set up, as long as we don't edit them here they shouldn't be effected.

However, if you do want to edit these files in the repo, we could set up another .clang-format file within the libev folder and mark that folder as un-styled (exclude it from clang-format) using:

Language: Cpp
DisableFormat: true
boazsegev commented 3 years ago

P.S.: since .clang-format files effect only the folder (and subfolders) in which they reside,, the current .clang-format file should only effect the files under the nio4r folder and shouldn't effect the libev folder at all.

ioquatix commented 3 years ago

I am going to merge this, thanks. I may change some of the rules to minimise changes, but it looks like a great improvement. Thanks for your effort.