socketsupply / create-socket-app

Create Socket App, is like Create React App but helps you build native apps for mobile and desktop with Svelte, Reactjs, Vuejs and others!
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Create Socket App as a Vite generator wrapper #7

Open chicoxyzzy opened 1 year ago

chicoxyzzy commented 1 year ago

Vite has its own app generators for this list of frontend frameworks out of the box. "Others" include even more + there are TS templates.


Vite is simple to config, uses esbuild by default under the hood and is compatible with rollup plugins. It's also the base for SvelteKit (which is more opinionated, less configurable and have server support which we don't need, I use Vite in Svelte template).

Rollup and Vite together have more downloads then esbuild. Part of esbuild downloads are Vite downloads. Probably, some other downloads are other tools that use esbuild.


Vite has much more stars on GitHub than esbuild and it more contributors


I have a half-working Create Socket App tool experiment as a wrapper over Vite, will have a full-working prototype soon with dev server support and hopefully with Hot Module Replacement as well!

chicoxyzzy commented 1 year ago

This should be a high-priority and be released along with a new version of Socket.

what we need is:

ahwelgemoed commented 11 months ago

Hey, great work, any news on Vite integration/template? Even just something Alpha to play with?

lamiazar commented 11 months ago

Hey, great work, any news on Vite integration/template?

@ahwelgemoed Thank you. @chicoxyzzy is still working on it.

chicoxyzzy commented 11 months ago

Vite template integration will be available shortly after the v0.5.0 release of Socket

richburdon commented 8 months ago


I'm using 0.5.3 but don't see the vite option (for react).

also import * as app from "socket:application"; can't resolve the package dependency.

chicoxyzzy commented 8 months ago

@richburdon we are blocked by a vite bug, but hopefully we can release new version next year.

Regarding the built-in modules issue, you probably need some Vite configuration. Please try configuration from this article

jaymakes11 commented 6 months ago

For anyone trying to get Vite to work with SSC, this is super helpful: