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resolve xhr issues loading from worker #984

Closed chrisfarms closed 2 months ago

chrisfarms commented 2 months ago



I am attempting to get three.js GLTFLoaders working, and running into the above issues.


I am NOT confident that either of these are the right thing to do.

Should Buffer.concat actually be fixed to support plain ArrayBuffers instead?

Why is there a silent catch around the URL parsing?

jwerle commented 2 months ago


Why is there a silent catch around the URL parsing? Because we were silly and didn't use URL.canParse() - what is the url you are providing where this fails? @ZaymonFC recently encountered an issue here

chrisfarms commented 2 months ago

An example of the failing parse is a URL like:


but critically ... the "location.origin" passed as the base is: "null" (not null the string "null" ?!)

so the URL is valid, the base is not

maybe the parse should not be setting base if origin is null (which is the case in worker land I guess)?

          url = new URL(url, location.origin && location.origin !== 'null' ? location.origin : undefined)

but that null feels like a symptom of something else.