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dtype ambiguity #154

Open johnrsibert opened 2 years ago

johnrsibert commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I'm trying to access with Socrata in python using the following code snippet: tmp = client.get(resource, limit=10, select=cols, where='date<2022-01-01T00:00:00.000') It works fine as long as I don't attempt to use the 'where' filter, but the 'where' filter produces the following error message " Could not parse SoQL query "select date,recip_county,recip_state,fips,administered_dose1_recip,series_complete_yes where date<2022-01-01T00:00:00.000 limit 10" at line 1 character 109: Expected one of end of input, MINUS ALL',INTERSECT ALL', UNION ALL',MINUS', INTERSECT',UNION', |>',OFFSET', LIMIT',SEARCH', ORDER BY',HAVING', or GROUP BY', but gotT00' " The problem seems to be that the python interpret all fields as type 'object' without recognizing the datetime type. Is there a way to coerce the data type? Thanks, John