soctrace-inria / framesoc

Framesoc is a generic trace management and analysis infrastructure.
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Ocelot make Framesoc crash: "Color configuration file error near: 234" #188

Closed dbeniamine closed 8 years ago

dbeniamine commented 8 years ago


When I try to visualize Moca traces with Ocelotl, Framesoc crashes with the following error:

fr.inria.soctrace.lib.model.utils.SoCTraceException: Color configuration file error near: 234,
at fr.inria.soctrace.framesoc.ui.colors.FramesocColorManager.getFramesocColor(
at fr.inria.soctrace.framesoc.ui.colors.FramesocColorManager.loadFile(
at fr.inria.soctrace.framesoc.ui.colors.FramesocColorManager.<init>(
at fr.inria.soctrace.framesoc.ui.colors.FramesocColorManager.<clinit>(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EarlyStartupRunnable.runEarlyStartup(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench$

The is the full trace: moca_trace.txt



dosimont commented 8 years ago

Hi. It seems to be a problem with the color management. Can you provide me with the file containing the event producer and event type colors (which is probably located in the Eclipse workspace)?

ycorre commented 8 years ago

I agree with Damien, it is probably a problem with the color management. The color configuration files are located in your Eclipse directory : /[$pathToEclipse]/configuration/fr.inria.soctrace.framesoc.ui/.

If you could upload the two files located in that directory, we could try to reproduce the bug.

Otherwise, a quick fix for you would be to delete both these files as they will be automatically regenerated at the next launch. However, you would lose any customisation you would have made on the colors.

dbeniamine commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, as I changed a few things in the Moca importer the bug stops occurring ... I attach my current files (I added the .TXT extension so github accept the upload) and as suggested by Youenn I will remove them.

event_producer_colors.txt event_type_colors.txt

dosimont commented 8 years ago

I believe the issue is closed.