PyAthena released 3.0.10 about 6 months ago. We use soda within our airflow pipelines. There is now an Athena provider inside of airflow: apache-airflow-providers-amazon >=8.17.0 which requires PyAthena>=3.0.10
In order to use this new provider and continue using soda-core-athena, there should be an update soda-core-athena to a newer version
PyAthena released 3.0.10 about 6 months ago. We use soda within our airflow pipelines. There is now an Athena provider inside of airflow: apache-airflow-providers-amazon >=8.17.0 which requires PyAthena>=3.0.10
In order to use this new provider and continue using soda-core-athena, there should be an update soda-core-athena to a newer version