sodafoundation / installer

provides easy installation and basic deployment based on specific configurations for SODA Projects
Apache License 2.0
35 stars 68 forks source link

bug(installer): Ansible failures on Ubuntu 18.04 #393

Closed noelmcloughlin closed 4 years ago

noelmcloughlin commented 4 years ago

Issue/Feature Description:

I had some ansible errors following the QuickStart Guide:

I handled one in the documentation:

This issue discusses the failed keystone task:

Why this issue to fixed / feature is needed(give scenarios or use cases):

Quickstart - running the installer.

How to reproduce, in case of a bug:

TASK [auth-installer : install keystone with the script] *****************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost] => (item=bash ./script/ install script)

TASK [auth-installer : install keystone with the docker] *****************************************************************************************************
failed: [localhost] (item=bash ./script/ install docker) => {"changed": true, "cmd": "bash ./script/ install docker", "delta": "0:16:44.
928913", "end": "2020-09-28 22:28:39.376387", "item": "bash ./script/ install docker", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2020-09-28
 22:11:54.447474", "stderr": "./script/ line 109: 20654 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue\n./script/
line 109: 20873 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue\n./script/ line 109: 21069 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP
_DIR}/ token_issue\n./script/ line 109: 21109 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue\n./script/
: line 109: 21114 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue\n./script/ line 109: 21119 Segmentation fault      python ${T
OP_DIR}/ token_issue\n./script/ line 109: 21130 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue\n./script/keystone.
sh: line 109: 21135 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue\n./script/ line 109: 21140 Segmentation fault      python $
{TOP_DIR}/ token_issue\n./script/ line 109: 21145 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue\n./script/keyston line 109: 21150 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue\n./script/ line 109: 21158 Segmentation fault      python
 ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue", "stderr_lines": ["./script/ line 109: 20654 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_is
sue", "./script/ line 109: 20873 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue", "./script/ line 109: 21069 Segme
ntation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue", "./script/ line 109: 21109 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/
token_issue", "./script/ line 109: 21114 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue", "./script/ line 109: 211
19 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue", "./script/ line 109: 21130 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/minis token_issue", "./script/ line 109: 21135 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue", "./script/ line
109: 21140 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue", "./script/ line 109: 21145 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DI
R}/ token_issue", "./script/ line 109: 21150 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue", "./script/keystone.s
h: line 109: 21158 Segmentation fault      python ${TOP_DIR}/ token_issue"], "stdout": "Starting install keystone...\nlatest: Pulling from opensds
io/opensds-authchecker\n34667c7e4631: Pulling fs layer\nd18d76a881a4: Pulling fs layer\n119c7358fbfc: Pulling fs layer\n2aaf13f3eff0: Pulling fs layer\n5824c5
a940ae: Pulling fs layer\n7ebdbe4554b7: Pulling fs layer\n5c860faddb96: Pulling fs layer\n57ff77583ca8: Pulling fs layer\n29146555bfc7: Pulling fs layer\n164a
9401817c: Pulling fs layer\n7ebdbe4554b7: Waiting\n5c860faddb96: Waiting\n57ff77583ca8: Waiting\n29146555bfc7: Waiting\n164a9401817c: Waiting\n2aaf13f3eff0: W
aiting\n5824c5a940ae: Waiting\n119c7358fbfc: Verifying Checksum\n119c7358fbfc: Download complete\nd18d76a881a4: Verifying Checksum\nd18d76a881a4: Download com
plete\n5824c5a940ae: Verifying Checksum\n5824c5a940ae: Download complete\n7ebdbe4554b7: Verifying Checksum\n7ebdbe4554b7: Download complete\n2aaf13f3eff0: Ver
ifying Checksum\n2aaf13f3eff0: Download complete\n57ff77583ca8: Verifying Checksum\n57ff77583ca8: Download complete\n34667c7e4631: Verifying Checksum\n34667c7
e4631: Download complete\n34667c7e4631: Pull complete\nd18d76a881a4: Pull complete\n119c7358fbfc: Pull complete\n2aaf13f3eff0: Pull complete\n5824c5a940ae: Pu
ll complete\n7ebdbe4554b7: Pull complete\n5c860faddb96: Verifying Checksum\n5c860faddb96: Download complete\n164a9401817c: Verifying Checksum\n164a9401817c: D
ownload complete\n5c860faddb96: Pull complete\n57ff77583ca8: Pull complete\n29146555bfc7: Verifying Checksum\n29146555bfc7: Download complete\n29146555bfc7: P
ull complete\n164a9401817c: Pull complete\nDigest: sha256:342f5cd850e65fcd9d5ad0b435e3398f7ce1980bb7a08d3fd0e34ce72972de16\nStatus: Downloaded newer image for
 opensdsio/opensds-authchecker:latest\ncf3f1914569c46c6a3a6c85d09fd3910377a3a36e64054f4d5b011eb2ad1966f\nERROR: keystone didn't come up. Aborting...", "stdout
_lines": ["Starting install keystone...", "latest: Pulling from opensdsio/opensds-authchecker", "34667c7e4631: Pulling fs layer", "d18d76a881a4: Pulling fs la
yer", "119c7358fbfc: Pulling fs layer", "2aaf13f3eff0: Pulling fs layer", "5824c5a940ae: Pulling fs layer", "7ebdbe4554b7: Pulling fs layer", "5c860faddb96: P
ulling fs layer", "57ff77583ca8: Pulling fs layer", "29146555bfc7: Pulling fs layer", "164a9401817c: Pulling fs layer", "7ebdbe4554b7: Waiting", "5c860faddb96
: Waiting", "57ff77583ca8: Waiting", "29146555bfc7: Waiting", "164a9401817c: Waiting", "2aaf13f3eff0: Waiting", "5824c5a940ae: Waiting", "119c7358fbfc: Verify
ing Checksum", "119c7358fbfc: Download complete", "d18d76a881a4: Verifying Checksum", "d18d76a881a4: Download complete", "5824c5a940ae: Verifying Checksum", "
5824c5a940ae: Download complete", "7ebdbe4554b7: Verifying Checksum", "7ebdbe4554b7: Download complete", "2aaf13f3eff0: Verifying Checksum", "2aaf13f3eff0: Do
wnload complete", "57ff77583ca8: Verifying Checksum", "57ff77583ca8: Download complete", "34667c7e4631: Verifying Checksum", "34667c7e4631: Download complete"
, "34667c7e4631: Pull complete", "d18d76a881a4: Pull complete", "119c7358fbfc: Pull complete", "2aaf13f3eff0: Pull complete", "5824c5a940ae: Pull complete", "
7ebdbe4554b7: Pull complete", "5c860faddb96: Verifying Checksum", "5c860faddb96: Download complete", "164a9401817c: Verifying Checksum", "164a9401817c: Downlo
ad complete", "5c860faddb96: Pull complete", "57ff77583ca8: Pull complete", "29146555bfc7: Verifying Checksum", "29146555bfc7: Download complete", "29146555bf
c7: Pull complete", "164a9401817c: Pull complete", "Digest: sha256:342f5cd850e65fcd9d5ad0b435e3398f7ce1980bb7a08d3fd0e34ce72972de16", "Status: Downloaded newe
r image for opensdsio/opensds-authchecker:latest", "cf3f1914569c46c6a3a6c85d09fd3910377a3a36e64054f4d5b011eb2ad1966f", "ERROR: keystone didn't come up. Aborti
        to retry, use: --limit @/home/vagrant/installer-v1.0.0/ansible/site.retry

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=16   changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=1

root@ubuntu1804:~/installer-v1.0.0/ansible# ansible-playbook site.yml -i local.hosts
Segmentation fault
root@ubuntu1804:~/installer-v1.0.0/ansible# ansible-playbook site.yml -i local.hosts
Segmentation fault

root@ubuntu1804:~/installer-v1.0.0/ansible# ansible --version
Segmentation fault

Other Notes / Environment Information: (Please give the env information, log link or any useful information for this issue)

noelmcloughlin commented 4 years ago

Full log attached: soda-quickstart-failures-ubuntu18-full-log.log

noelmcloughlin commented 4 years ago

This issue was caused by a virtualization bug in VirtualBox 6.1.14. I downgraded to VirtualBox 6.0.20 and my unexpected GPG signature failures, and corrupted downloads are fixed now. I had issues with various OS guests all weeks (manifesting as weirdness). VirtualBox 6.1.14 is a corrupt release.