Currently -> MORE --> CCLA points to the word document without giving any background to this.
We need to give proper background information on the same. Also, we can add md file so it is clearly visible. This is applicable for affiliated contributions, right?
@stevenphtan, for individual contributors, this is not needed. Only for people contributing as an employee of their organization needs this. Can we confirm the legal part and then can update the background. I can create an intro to CLA before pointing to our license agreement.
Currently -> MORE --> CCLA points to the word document without giving any background to this. We need to give proper background information on the same. Also, we can add md file so it is clearly visible. This is applicable for affiliated contributions, right? @stevenphtan, for individual contributors, this is not needed. Only for people contributing as an employee of their organization needs this. Can we confirm the legal part and then can update the background. I can create an intro to CLA before pointing to our license agreement.