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🪨 A Pantheon experience for rpm-ostree
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Calendar and Videos won't open #57

Open electricduck opened 1 year ago

electricduck commented 1 year ago

Both Calendar and Videos (provided from Flatpak) don't open, both throwing this error:

GLib-CRITICAL **: 19:04:35.760: g_strsplit: assertion 'string != NULL' failed
electricduck commented 1 year ago

Interestingly, I can open this on my own personal install, so there must be something on it that's missing on a fresh install. I have attached outputs from both installs.

flatpak list -a from my personal install:

Name                                                       Application ID                                                   Version                   Branch                   Origin                Installation
Warp                                                       app.drey.Warp                                                    0.3.2                     stable                   flathub               system
Warp translations                                          app.drey.Warp.Locale                                                                       stable                   flathub               system
Asunder CD Ripper                                          ca.littlesvr.asunder                                             2.9.7                     stable                   flathub               system
asunder translations                                       ca.littlesvr.asunder.Locale                                                                stable                   flathub               system
Decoder                                                    com.belmoussaoui.Decoder                                         0.3.1                     stable                   flathub               system
Decoder translations                                       com.belmoussaoui.Decoder.Locale                                                            stable                   flathub               system
Obfuscate                                                  com.belmoussaoui.Obfuscate                                       0.0.7                     stable                   flathub               system
Obfuscate translations                                     com.belmoussaoui.Obfuscate.Locale                                                          stable                   flathub               system
Bitwarden                                                  com.bitwarden.desktop                                            2023.1.1                  stable                   flathub               system
Discord                                                    com.discordapp.Discord                                           0.0.24                    stable                   flathub               system
FreeRDP Remote Desktop Client                              com.freerdp.FreeRDP                                              2.9.0                     stable                   flathub               system
ungoogled-chromium                                         com.github.Eloston.UngoogledChromium                             109.0.5414.74             stable                   flathub               system
Codecs                                                     com.github.Eloston.UngoogledChromium.Codecs                                                stable                   flathub               system
UngoogledChromium translations                             com.github.Eloston.UngoogledChromium.Locale                                                stable                   flathub               system
Protontricks                                               com.github.Matoking.protontricks                                 1.10.1                    stable                   flathub               system
Darkbar                                                    com.github.bluesabre.darkbar                                     1.0.1                     stable                   appcenter             system
darkbar translations                                       com.github.bluesabre.darkbar.Locale                                                        stable                   appcenter             system
Palette                                                    com.github.cassidyjames.palette                                  4.0.0                     stable                   appcenter             system
palette translations                                       com.github.cassidyjames.palette.Locale                                                     stable                   appcenter             system
ScreenRec                                                  com.github.dr_styki.screenrec                                    3.1.0                     stable                   appcenter             system
screenrec translations                                     com.github.dr_styki.screenrec.Locale                                                       stable                   appcenter             system
Time Limit                                                 com.github.marbetschar.time-limit                                3.0.0                     stable                   appcenter             system
time_limit translations                                    com.github.marbetschar.time_limit.Locale                                                   stable                   appcenter             system
Pebbles                                                    com.github.subhadeepjasu.pebbles                                 2.0.5                     stable                   appcenter             system
pebbles translations                                       com.github.subhadeepjasu.pebbles.Locale                                                    stable                   appcenter             system
Communique                                                 com.github.suzie97.communique                                    1.2.0                     stable                   appcenter             system
communique translations                                    com.github.suzie97.communique.Locale                                                       stable                   appcenter             system
Flatseal                                                   com.github.tchx84.Flatseal                                       1.8.1                     stable                   flathub               system
Easy Effects                                               com.github.wwmm.easyeffects                                      7.0.0                     stable                   flathub               system
easyeffects translations                                   com.github.wwmm.easyeffects.Locale                                                         stable                   flathub               system
Logseq                                                     com.logseq.Logseq                                                0.8.16                    stable                   flathub               system
Plexamp                                                    com.plexamp.Plexamp                                              4.6.1                     stable                   flathub               system
Share Preview                                              com.rafaelmardojai.SharePreview                                  0.2.0                     stable                   flathub               system
SharePreview translations                                  com.rafaelmardojai.SharePreview.Locale                                                     stable                   flathub               system
Slack                                                      com.slack.Slack                                                  4.29.149                  stable                   flathub               system
Sublime Merge                                              com.sublimemerge.App                                             2079                      stable                   flathub               system
Bottles                                                    com.usebottles.bottles                                           50.2                      stable                   flathub               system
bottles translations                                       com.usebottles.bottles.Locale                                                              stable                   flathub               system
Steam                                                      com.valvesoftware.Steam                                                  stable                   flathub               system
Proton-GE (community build)                                com.valvesoftware.Steam.CompatibilityTool.Proton-GE              7.36-1                    stable                   flathub               system
Shortwave                                                  de.haeckerfelix.Shortwave                                        3.1.0                     stable                   flathub               system
Shortwave translations                                     de.haeckerfelix.Shortwave.Locale                                                           stable                   flathub               system
HandBrake                                                  fr.handbrake.ghb                                                 1.6.1                     stable                   flathub               system
ghb translations                                           fr.handbrake.ghb.Locale                                                                    stable                   flathub               system
Pidgin                                                     im.pidgin.Pidgin                                                 2.14.12                   stable                   flathub               system
Pidgin translations                                        im.pidgin.Pidgin.Locale                                                                    stable                   flathub               system
SMPlayer                                                   info.smplayer.SMPlayer                                           22.7.0                    stable                   flathub               system
elementary platform                                        io.elementary.Platform                                                                     6                        appcenter             system
elementary platform                                        io.elementary.Platform                                                                     6.1                      appcenter             system
elementary platform                                        io.elementary.Platform                                                                     7                        appcenter             system
elementary platform                                        io.elementary.Platform                                                                     7.1                      appcenter             system
elementary platform translations                           io.elementary.Platform.Locale                                                              6                        appcenter             system
elementary platform translations                           io.elementary.Platform.Locale                                                              6.1                      appcenter             system
elementary platform translations                           io.elementary.Platform.Locale                                                              7                        appcenter             system
elementary platform translations                           io.elementary.Platform.Locale                                                              7.1                      appcenter             system
Calculator                                                 io.elementary.calculator                                         2.0.1                     stable                   appcenter             system
calculator translations                                    io.elementary.calculator.Locale                                                            stable                   appcenter             system
Calendar                                                   io.elementary.calendar                                           6.1.1                     stable                   appcenter             system
calendar translations                                      io.elementary.calendar.Locale                                                              stable                   appcenter             system
Camera                                                                                        6.2.1                     stable                   appcenter             system
camera translations                                                                                              stable                   appcenter             system
Captive Network Assistant                                  io.elementary.capnet-assist                                      2.4.3                     stable                   appcenter             system
capnet_assist translations                                 io.elementary.capnet_assist.Locale                                                         stable                   appcenter             system
Icon Browser                                               io.elementary.iconbrowser                                        2.1.1                     stable                   appcenter             system
iconbrowser translations                                   io.elementary.iconbrowser.Locale                                                           stable                   appcenter             system
Mail                                                       io.elementary.mail                                               7.0.0                     daily                    appcenter             system
mail translations                                          io.elementary.mail.Locale                                                                  daily                    appcenter             system
Screenshot                                                 io.elementary.screenshot                                         6.0.3                     stable                   appcenter             system
screenshot translations                                    io.elementary.screenshot.Locale                                                            stable                   appcenter             system
Tasks                                                      io.elementary.tasks                                              6.3.0                     stable                   appcenter             system
tasks translations                                         io.elementary.tasks.Locale                                                                 stable                   appcenter             system
Videos                                                     io.elementary.videos                                             2.9.0                     stable                   appcenter             system
videos translations                                        io.elementary.videos.Locale                                                                stable                   appcenter             system
HexChat                                                    io.github.Hexchat                                                2.16.1                    stable                   flathub               system
Hexchat translations                                       io.github.Hexchat.Locale                                                                   stable                   flathub               system
Notejot                                                    io.github.lainsce.Notejot                                        3.5.1                     stable                   flathub               system
Notejot translations                                       io.github.lainsce.Notejot.Locale                                                           stable                   flathub               system
GitHub Desktop                                             io.github.shiftey.Desktop                                        3.1.1-linux1              stable                   flathub               system
MediaInfo                                                  net.mediaarea.MediaInfo                                          22.12                     stable                   flathub               system
Audacity                                                   org.audacityteam.Audacity                                        3.2.3                     stable                   flathub               system
Codecs                                                     org.audacityteam.Audacity.Codecs                                                           stable                   flathub               system
Audacity translations                                      org.audacityteam.Audacity.Locale                                                           stable                   flathub               system
Fedora Media Writer                                        org.fedoraproject.MediaWriter                                    5.0.4                     stable                   flathub               system
FileZilla                                                  org.filezillaproject.Filezilla                                   3.62.2                    stable                   flathub               system
Filezilla translations                                     org.filezillaproject.Filezilla.Locale                                                      stable                   flathub               system
LSP                                                        org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.LSP                           1.2.2                     21.08                    flathub               system
LSP                                                        org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.LSP                           1.2.4                     22.08                    flathub               system
MDA                                                        org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.MDA                           1.2.6                     21.08                    flathub               system
MDA                                                        org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.MDA                           1.2.10                    22.08                    flathub               system
TAP-plugins                                                org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.TAP                           1.0.1                     21.08                    flathub               system
ZamPlugins                                                 org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.ZamPlugins                    3.14                      21.08                    flathub               system
ZamPlugins                                                 org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.ZamPlugins                    4.1                       22.08                    flathub               system
SWH                                                        org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.swh                           0.4.17                    21.08                    flathub               system
Freedesktop Platform                                       org.freedesktop.Platform                                               21.08                    flathub               system
Freedesktop Platform                                       org.freedesktop.Platform                                         22.08.5                   22.08                    flathub               system
i386                                                       org.freedesktop.Platform.Compat.i386                                                       22.08                    flathub               system
Mesa                                                       org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default                              21.1.8                    20.08                    flathub               system
Mesa                                                       org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default                              21.3.9                    21.08                    flathub               system
Mesa                                                       org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default                              22.3.2                    22.08                    flathub               system
Mesa (Extra)                                               org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default                              22.3.2                    22.08-extra              flathub               system
Mesa                                                       org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.default                            22.3.2                    22.08                    flathub               system
Mesa (Extra)                                               org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.default                            22.3.2                    22.08-extra              flathub               system
nvidia-495-46                                              org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia-495-46                                                1.4                      flathub               system
nvidia-510-47-03                                           org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia-510-47-03                                             1.4                      flathub               system
nvidia-510-60-02                                           org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia-510-60-02                                             1.4                      flathub               system
nvidia-510-68-02                                           org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia-510-68-02                                             1.4                      flathub               system
nvidia-515-57                                              org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia-515-57                                                1.4                      flathub               system
freedesktop platform translations                          org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale                                                            21.08                    flathub               system
freedesktop platform translations                          org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale                                                            22.08                    flathub               system
ffmpeg-full                                                org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full                                                       21.08                    flathub               system
ffmpeg-full                                                org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full                                                       22.08                    flathub               system
openh264                                                   org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264                                2.1.0                     2.0                      flathub               system
openh264                                                   org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264                                2.1.0                     2.2.0                    flathub               system
openh264                                                   org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264                                2.1.0                     2.3.1                    flathub               system
Freedesktop SDK                                            org.freedesktop.Sdk                                              20.08.21                  20.08                    flathub               system
Freedesktop SDK                                            org.freedesktop.Sdk                                                    21.08                    flathub               system
freedesktop development platform translations              org.freedesktop.Sdk.Locale                                                                 20.08                    flathub               system
freedesktop development platform translations              org.freedesktop.Sdk.Locale                                                                 21.08                    flathub               system
GNU Image Manipulation Program                             org.gimp.GIMP                                                    2.10.32                   stable                   flathub               system
Web                                                        org.gnome.Epiphany                                               43.0                      stable                   appcenter             system
Epiphany translations                                      org.gnome.Epiphany.Locale                                                                  stable                   appcenter             system
Document Viewer                                            org.gnome.Evince                                                 43.1                      stable                   appcenter             system
Evince translations                                        org.gnome.Evince.Locale                                                                    stable                   appcenter             system
File Roller                                                org.gnome.FileRoller                                             43.0                      stable                   appcenter             system
FileRoller translations                                    org.gnome.FileRoller.Locale                                                                stable                   appcenter             system
GHex                                                       org.gnome.GHex                                                   43.0                      stable                   flathub               system
GHex translations                                          org.gnome.GHex.Locale                                                                      stable                   flathub               system
Maps                                                       org.gnome.Maps                                                   43.3                      stable                   flathub               system
Maps translations                                          org.gnome.Maps.Locale                                                                      stable                   flathub               system
GNOME Application Platform version 42                      org.gnome.Platform                                                                         42                       flathub               system
GNOME Application Platform version 43                      org.gnome.Platform                                                                         43                       flathub               system
i386                                                       org.gnome.Platform.Compat.i386                                                             43                       flathub               system
gnome platform translations                                org.gnome.Platform.Locale                                                                  42                       flathub               system
gnome platform translations                                org.gnome.Platform.Locale                                                                  43                       flathub               system
Video Trimmer                                              org.gnome.gitlab.YaLTeR.VideoTrimmer                             0.8.0                     stable                   flathub               system
VideoTrimmer translations                                  org.gnome.gitlab.YaLTeR.VideoTrimmer.Locale                                                stable                   flathub               system
Apostrophe                                                 org.gnome.gitlab.somas.Apostrophe                                2.6.3                     stable                   flathub               system
Apostrophe translations                                    org.gnome.gitlab.somas.Apostrophe.Locale                                                   stable                   flathub               system
Meld                                                       org.gnome.meld                                                   3.20.4                    stable                   flathub               system
meld translations                                          org.gnome.meld.Locale                                                                      stable                   flathub               system
Inkscape                                                   org.inkscape.Inkscape                                            1.2.2                     stable                   flathub               system
Inkscape translations                                      org.inkscape.Inkscape.Locale                                                               stable                   flathub               system
KDE Application Platform                                   org.kde.Platform                                                                           5.15-21.08               flathub               system
KDE Application Platform                                   org.kde.Platform                                                                           5.15-22.08               flathub               system
KDE Application Platform                                   org.kde.Platform                                                                           6.4                      flathub               system
kde platform translations                                  org.kde.Platform.Locale                                                                    5.15-21.08               flathub               system
kde platform translations                                  org.kde.Platform.Locale                                                                    5.15-22.08               flathub               system
Kdenlive                                                   org.kde.kdenlive                                                 22.12.1                   stable                   flathub               system
kdenlive translations                                      org.kde.kdenlive.Locale                                                                    stable                   flathub               system
Kid3                                                       org.kde.kid3                                                     3.9.2                     stable                   flathub               system
LibreOffice                                                org.libreoffice.LibreOffice                                               stable                   flathub               system
LibreOffice translations                                   org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.Locale                                                         stable                   flathub               system
JOSM                                                       org.openstreetmap.josm                                           18622                     stable                   flathub               system
Helvum                                                     org.pipewire.Helvum                                              0.3.4                     stable                   flathub               system
Telegram Desktop                                           org.telegram.desktop                                             4.5                       stable                   flathub               system
desktop translations                                       org.telegram.desktop.Locale                                                                stable                   flathub               system
VLC                                                        org.videolan.VLC                                                 3.0.18                    stable                   flathub               system
VLC translations                                           org.videolan.VLC.Locale                                                                    stable                   flathub               system
DXVK                                                       org.winehq.Wine.DLLs.dxvk                                        1.10.3                    stable-22.08             flathub               system
Gecko                                                      org.winehq.Wine.gecko                                                                      stable-22.08             flathub               system
Mono                                                       org.winehq.Wine.mono                                                                       stable-22.08             flathub               system

flatpak list -a on a fresh install:

Name                                      Application ID                              Version          Branch         Origin            Installation
elementary platform                       io.elementary.Platform                                       6              appcenter         system
elementary platform                       io.elementary.Platform                                       7.1            appcenter         system
elementary platform translations          io.elementary.Platform.Locale                                6              appcenter         system
elementary platform translations          io.elementary.Platform.Locale                                7.1            appcenter         system
Calculator                                io.elementary.calculator                    2.0.1            stable         appcenter         system
calculator translations                   io.elementary.calculator.Locale                              stable         appcenter         system
Calendar                                  io.elementary.calendar                      6.1.1            stable         appcenter         system
calendar translations                     io.elementary.calendar.Locale                                stable         appcenter         system
Camera                                                  6.2.1            stable         appcenter         system
camera translations                                               stable         appcenter         system
Captive Network Assistant                 io.elementary.capnet-assist                 2.4.3            stable         appcenter         system
capnet_assist translations                io.elementary.capnet_assist.Locale                           stable         appcenter         system
Screenshot                                io.elementary.screenshot                    6.0.3            stable         appcenter         system
screenshot translations                   io.elementary.screenshot.Locale                              stable         appcenter         system
Tasks                                     io.elementary.tasks                         6.3.0            stable         appcenter         system
tasks translations                        io.elementary.tasks.Locale                                   stable         appcenter         system
Videos                                    io.elementary.videos                        2.9.0            stable         appcenter         system
videos translations                       io.elementary.videos.Locale                                  stable         appcenter         system
Fedora Media Writer                       org.fedoraproject.MediaWriter               5.0.4            stable         fedora            system
Fedora Platform                           org.fedoraproject.Platform                  37               f37            fedora            system
Document Viewer                           org.gnome.Evince                            43.1             stable         appcenter         system
Evince translations                       org.gnome.Evince.Locale                                      stable         appcenter         system
File Roller                               org.gnome.FileRoller                        43.0             stable         appcenter         system
FileRoller translations                   org.gnome.FileRoller.Locale                                  stable         appcenter         system
electricduck commented 1 year ago

Videos works after installing org.freedesktop.Platform//22.08 from flathub

teamcons commented 11 months ago

Hello ! Any news on this ? Calendar still doesnt start up, same error when running from terminal ! Layering the rpm is not an option, rpm-ostree throws out the following error : error: Checkout elementary-calendar-7.0.0-1.fc38.x86_64: Hardlinking df/5c74ed2992b4c24a51b64a25b8ad14d6a0c1ef438425d24e81777f0ab1e83f.file to io.elementary.calendar: Die Datei existiert bereits (Last four words : "the file exists already". Which is but a filthy lie.)

electricduck commented 11 months ago

Hello ! Any news on this ? Calendar still doesnt start up, same error when running from terminal !

This is something I cannot fathom. Its working on my machine: there's some dependency installed (from this comment) that's making it work.

Layering the rpm is not an option, rpm-ostree throws out the following error : error: Checkout elementary-calendar-7.0.0-1.fc38.x86_64: Hardlinking df/5c74ed2992b4c24a51b64a25b8ad14d6a0c1ef438425d24e81777f0ab1e83f.file to io.elementary.calendar: Die Datei existiert bereits (Last four words : "the file exists already". Which is but a filthy lie.)

There's a helper at /usr/bin/io.elementary.calendar that opens the Flatpak app, which is stopping the RPM installing since the file already exists.

teamcons commented 11 months ago

Tried to install every io.elementary.Platform.Locale, io.elementary.Platform, org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale, i could get my hands on - as well as elementary flatpaks which may interact with it - nothing works.

Ive tried removing all online accounts, but Elementary refuses to delete the google account one (wat) I have similar issues as well with Mail, which adamantly refuses to load the content of any mail, send or reply to anything... thats another topic, but may be related.

Both Next and Current branches have the same issue. I recall when we tried Current two weeks ago it worked - but the whole desktop froze for good after ten minutes so we moved to Next Theres something super broken somewhere :( im sorry. That may be more on the elementary devs though. Badly packaged flatpak

teamcons commented 10 months ago

Sorry for the double dipping Weirdly, the calendar (and mail) flatpaks work perfectly fine under Silverblue 39

Maybe the flatpaks need something that the sodalite image lacks but silverblue has ?...

Sorry not technically minded enough to help, but reporting in case it helps someone