Closed polluks closed 6 years ago
With tmpfile() I can't control where the file ends up. It needs to end up in the same partition as s:user-startup, otherwise the rename operation will fail. Without the rename operation, writing to s:user-startup won't be atomic, and crashes / power failures and so on might lead to an empty user-startup. By using rename there will always be a valid user-startup, the old one or the new one, nothing in between.
I see, thanks. At least mkstemp() works w/o ixemul:
Quite often a programmer will want to replace a use of mktemp() with
mkstemp(), usually to avoid the problems described above. Doing this
correctly requires a good understanding of the code in question.
For instance, code of this form:
char sfn[15] = "";
FILE *sfp;
strlcpy(sfn, "/tmp/ed.XXXXXX", sizeof sfn);
if (mktemp(sfn) == NULL || (sfp = fopen(sfn, "w+")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", sfn, strerror(errno));
return (NULL);
return (sfp);
should be rewritten like this:
char sfn[15] = "";
FILE *sfp;
int fd = -1;
strlcpy(sfn, "/tmp/ed.XXXXXX", sizeof sfn);
if ((fd = mkstemp(sfn)) == -1 ||
(sfp = fdopen(fd, "w+")) == NULL) {
if (fd != -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", sfn, strerror(errno));
return (NULL);
return (sfp);
Thanks, looks good. I'll go for mkstemp instead. mktemp() is not ANSI better use tmpfile().