What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. I am using datatables 1.9.3 jquery-datatables-row-grouping 1.2.7
2. I am using server-side json to fill data via objects (not arrays), similar
bjects.html but with plain json
3. I am using coffeescript, rails 3.2.8 and mac os x 10.7 (Lion) safari
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I expect to see the new rows normally, but I have to set bHideGroupingColumn to
false to see them. Either I see row and column or I dont see no row nor column.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Please provide any additional information below.
This is my coffescript for enabling datatables:
jQuery ->
sDom: '<"H"ifr>t<"F"p>'
sPaginationType: "full_numbers"
bLengthChange: false
iDisplayLength: 40
bAutoWidth: false
bJQueryUI: true
aoColumnDefs: [
{ bSortable: false, aTargets: [ 11 ] },
{ sType: "alt-string", aTargets: [ 1 ] },
{ sClass: "center", aTargets: [ 0,2 ] },
{ sClass: "record_actions", aTargets: [ 11 ] }
oLanguage: {
sUrl: "/datatables_es.txt" if locale == "es"
bProcessing: true
bServerSide: true
sAjaxSource: $('#payees').data('source')
aoColumns: [
{ mDataProp: "zid" },
{ mDataProp: "id_number" },
{ mDataProp: "active" },
{ mDataProp: "name" },
{ mDataProp: "type" },
{ mDataProp: "tin" },
{ mDataProp: "reference" },
{ mDataProp: "address" },
{ mDataProp: "payee_category" },
{ mDataProp: "phone" },
{ mDataProp: "email" },
{ mDataProp: "record_actions" }
fnServerParams: (aoData) ->
{ "name": "scope", "value": $(document).getUrlParam("scope") },
{ "name": "id", "value": $(document).getUrlParam("id") }
iGroupingColumnIndex: 8,
bHideGroupingColumn: false //setting to true, doesnt show the row either
This is my response json:
"zid":"<a href=\"/settings/payees/41\">41</a>",
"active":"<span style=\"color: green;\"><i class=\"icon-ok\" alt=\"ok\"></i></span>",
"name":"provider 20",
"address":" ",
"record_actions":"<a href=\"/settings/payees/41\" title=\"Detalles\"><i class=\"icon-eye-open\"></i></a><a href=\"/settings/payees/41/edit\" title=\"Editar\"><i class=\"icon-edit\"></i></a><a href=\"/settings/payees/41?destroy=true\" data-confirm=\"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro de destruirlo?\" data-method=\"delete\" rel=\"nofollow\" title=\"Destruirlo\"><i class=\"icon-trash\"></i></a>"
"zid":"<a href=\"/settings/payees/42\">42</a>",
"active":"<span style=\"color: green;\"><i class=\"icon-ok\" alt=\"ok\"></i></span>",
"name":"client/provider 1",
"address":" ",
"record_actions":"<a href=\"/settings/payees/42\" title=\"Detalles\"><i class=\"icon-eye-open\"></i></a><a href=\"/settings/payees/42/edit\" title=\"Editar\"><i class=\"icon-edit\"></i></a><a href=\"/settings/payees/42?destroy=true\" data-confirm=\"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro de destruirlo?\" data-method=\"delete\" rel=\"nofollow\" title=\"Destruirlo\"><i class=\"icon-trash\"></i></a>"
"zid":"<a href=\"/settings/payees/43\">43</a>",
"active":"<span style=\"color: green;\"><i class=\"icon-ok\" alt=\"ok\"></i></span>",
"name":"client/provider 2",
"address":" ",
"record_actions":"<a href=\"/settings/payees/43\" title=\"Detalles\"><i class=\"icon-eye-open\"></i></a><a href=\"/settings/payees/43/edit\" title=\"Editar\"><i class=\"icon-edit\"></i></a><a href=\"/settings/payees/43?destroy=true\" data-confirm=\"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro de destruirlo?\" data-method=\"delete\" rel=\"nofollow\" title=\"Destruirlo\"><i class=\"icon-trash\"></i></a>"
Original issue reported on code.google.com by sar...@gmail.com on 30 Aug 2012 at 6:26
Original issue reported on code.google.com by
on 30 Aug 2012 at 6:26