Firstly I have found the documentation and usage of mmseqs2 for taxonomic assignment to be extremely good and easy to follow!
However, just a quick point that some of the ncbi taxids given do not match the LCA scientific name.
Below is the output from createtsv from some of my assignments. From previous sequencing I am pretty sure the LCA scientific name (taxa here) is correct, but the ncbi taxa ID do not link to the correct name. For example, there is no tax id for 19759 according to my search here.
Firstly I have found the documentation and usage of mmseqs2 for taxonomic assignment to be extremely good and easy to follow!
However, just a quick point that some of the ncbi taxids given do not match the LCA scientific name.
Below is the output from createtsv from some of my assignments. From previous sequencing I am pretty sure the LCA scientific name (taxa here) is correct, but the ncbi taxa ID do not link to the correct name. For example, there is no tax id for 19759 according to my search here.