soedinglab / MMseqs2

MMseqs2: ultra fast and sensitive search and clustering suite
GNU General Public License v3.0
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`Error in argument --min-seq-id` when using `easy-linclust` or `linclust` #682

Open taylorreiter opened 1 year ago

taylorreiter commented 1 year ago

Expected Behavior

mmseqs easy-linclust executes with flag --min-seq-id

Current Behavior

mmseqs easy-linclust throws error Error in argument --min-seq-id when given flag --min-seq-id

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

curl -JLO
mmseqs easy-linclust GCA_016584425.1_ASM1658442v1_translated_cds.faa.gz tmp_linclust tmp_mmseqs  --min-seq-id .9 -c .9 --similarity-type 2 --cov-mode 1

MMseqs Output (for bugs)

$ mmseqs easy-linclust GCA_016584425.1_ASM1658442v1_translated_cds.faa.gz tmp_linclust tmp_mmseqs  --min-seq-id .9 -c .9 --similarity-type 2 --cov-mode 1

usage: mmseqs easy-linclust <i:fastaFile1[.gz|.bz2]> ... <i:fastaFileN[.gz|.bz2]> <o:clusterPrefix> <tmpDir> [options]
 By Martin Steinegger <>
options: prefilter:
 --comp-bias-corr INT            Correct for locally biased amino acid composition (range 0-1) [1]
 --comp-bias-corr-scale FLOAT    Correct for locally biased amino acid composition (range 0-1) [1.000]
 --add-self-matches BOOL         Artificially add entries of queries with themselves (for clustering) [0]
 --alph-size TWIN                Alphabet size (range 2-21) [aa:21,nucl:5]
 --spaced-kmer-mode INT          0: use consecutive positions in k-mers; 1: use spaced k-mers [0]
 --spaced-kmer-pattern STR       User-specified spaced k-mer pattern []
 --mask INT                      Mask sequences in k-mer stage: 0: w/o low complexity masking, 1: with low complexity masking [1]
 --mask-prob FLOAT               Mask sequences is probablity is above threshold [0.900]
 --mask-lower-case INT           Lowercase letters will be excluded from k-mer search 0: include region, 1: exclude region [0]
 -k INT                          k-mer length (0: automatically set to optimum) [0]
 --split-memory-limit BYTE       Set max memory per split. E.g. 800B, 5K, 10M, 1G. Default (0) to all available system memory [0]
 -a BOOL                         Add backtrace string (convert to alignments with mmseqs convertalis module) [0]
 --alignment-mode INT            How to compute the alignment:
                                 0: automatic
                                 1: only score and end_pos
                                 2: also start_pos and cov
                                 3: also
                                 4: only ungapped alignment [0]
 --alignment-output-mode INT     How to compute the alignment:
                                 0: automatic
                                 1: only score and end_pos
                                 2: also start_pos and cov
                                 3: also
                                 4: only ungapped alignment
                                 5: score only (output) cluster format [0]
 --wrapped-scoring BOOL          Double the (nucleotide) query sequence during the scoring process to allow wrapped diagonal scoring around end and start [0]
 -e DOUBLE                       List matches below this E-value (range 0.0-inf) [1.000E-03]
 --min-seq-id FLOAT              List matches above this sequence identity (for clustering) (range 0.0-1.0) [0.000]
 --min-aln-len INT               Minimum alignment length (range 0-INT_MAX) [0]
 --seq-id-mode INT               0: alignment length 1: shorter, 2: longer sequence [0]
 --alt-ali INT                   Show up to this many alternative alignments [0]
 -c FLOAT                        List matches above this fraction of aligned (covered) residues (see --cov-mode) [0.800]
 --cov-mode INT                  0: coverage of query and target
                                 1: coverage of target
                                 2: coverage of query
                                 3: target seq. length has to be at least x% of query length
                                 4: query seq. length has to be at least x% of target length
                                 5: short seq. needs to be at least x% of the other seq. length [0]
 --max-rejected INT              Maximum rejected alignments before alignment calculation for a query is stopped [2147483647]
 --max-accept INT                Maximum accepted alignments before alignment calculation for a query is stopped [2147483647]
 --score-bias FLOAT              Score bias when computing SW alignment (in bits) [0.000]
 --realign BOOL                  Compute more conservative, shorter alignments (scores and E-values not changed) [0]
 --realign-score-bias FLOAT      Additional bias when computing realignment [-0.200]
 --realign-max-seqs INT          Maximum number of results to return in realignment [2147483647]
 --corr-score-weight FLOAT       Weight of backtrace correlation score that is added to the alignment score [0.000]
 --gap-open TWIN                 Gap open cost [aa:11,nucl:5]
 --gap-extend TWIN               Gap extension cost [aa:1,nucl:2]
 --zdrop INT                     Maximal allowed difference between score values before alignment is truncated  (nucleotide alignment only) [40]
 --cluster-mode INT              0: Set-Cover (greedy)
                                 1: Connected component (BLASTclust)
                                 2,3: Greedy clustering by sequence length (CDHIT) [0]
 --max-iterations INT            Maximum depth of breadth first search in connected component clustering [1000]
 --similarity-type INT           Type of score used for clustering. 1: alignment score 2: sequence identity [2]
 --kmer-per-seq INT              k-mers per sequence [21]
 --kmer-per-seq-scale TWIN       Scale k-mer per sequence based on sequence length as kmer-per-seq val + scale x seqlen [aa:0.000,nucl:0.200]
 --adjust-kmer-len BOOL          Adjust k-mer length based on specificity (only for nucleotides) [0]
 --hash-shift INT                Shift k-mer hash initialization [67]
 --include-only-extendable BOOL  Include only extendable [0]
 --ignore-multi-kmer BOOL        Skip k-mers occurring multiple times (>=2) [0]
 --pca                           Pseudo count admixture strength []
 --pcb                           Pseudo counts: Neff at half of maximum admixture (range 0.0-inf) []
 --rescore-mode INT              Rescore diagonals with:
                                 0: Hamming distance
                                 1: local alignment (score only)
                                 2: local alignment
                                 3: global alignment
                                 4: longest alignment fulfilling window quality criterion [0]
 --dbtype INT                    Database type 0: auto, 1: amino acid 2: nucleotides [0]
 --shuffle BOOL                  Shuffle input database [1]
 --createdb-mode INT             Createdb mode 0: copy data, 1: soft link data and write new index (works only with single line fasta/q) [1]
 --id-offset INT                 Numeric ids in index file are offset by this value [0]
 --threads INT                   Number of CPU-cores used (all by default) [10]
 --compressed INT                Write compressed output [0]
 -v INT                          Verbosity level: 0: quiet, 1: +errors, 2: +warnings, 3: +info [3]
 --sub-mat TWIN                  Substitution matrix file [aa:blosum62.out,nucl:nucleotide.out]
 --max-seq-len INT               Maximum sequence length [65535]
 --db-load-mode INT              Database preload mode 0: auto, 1: fread, 2: mmap, 3: mmap+touch [0]
 --remove-tmp-files BOOL         Delete temporary files [1]
 --force-reuse BOOL              Reuse tmp filse in tmp/latest folder ignoring parameters and version changes [0]
 --mpi-runner STR                Use MPI on compute cluster with this MPI command (e.g. "mpirun -np 42") []
 --filter-hits BOOL              Filter hits by and coverage [0]
 --sort-results INT              Sort results: 0: no sorting, 1: sort by E-value (Alignment) or (Hamming) [0]
 --write-lookup INT              write .lookup file containing mapping from internal id, fasta id and file number [0]

 mmseqs easy-linclust examples/DB.fasta result tmp

 # Linclust output
 #  - result_rep_seq.fasta: Representatives
 #  - result_all_seq.fasta: FASTA-like per cluster
 #  - result_cluster.tsv:   Adjecency list

 # Important parameter: --min-seq-id, --cov-mode and -c
 #                  --cov-mode
 #                  0    1    2
 # Q: MAVGTACRPA  60%  IGN  60%
 # T: -AVGTAC---  60% 100%  IGN
 #        -c 0.7    -    +    -
 #        -c 0.6    +    +    +

 # Cluster nucleotide sequences
 mmseqs easy-linclust examples/DB.fasta result tmp --kmer-per-seq-scale 0.3

 - Steinegger M, Soding J: MMseqs2 enables sensitive protein sequence searching for the analysis of massive data sets. Nature Biotechnology, 35(11), 1026-1028 (2017)
 - Steinegger M, Soding J: Clustering huge protein sequence sets in linear time. Nature Communications, 9(1), 2542 (2018)
Error in argument --min-seq-id


I would like to use linclust to cluster sequences at 90 length/90% identity, but the flag --min-seq-id keeps throwing an error. is there a different way to specify sequence identity threshold for easy-linclust?

Your Environment

Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in.

I reproduced the error on Ubuntu AWS EC2 as well with the same version of mmseqs2

milot-mirdita commented 1 year ago

We validate that (most) float parameters have a leading zero (or other number in-front of the .) if they are given in non-scientific notation, or alternatively in scientific-notation.

A similar issue was reported here:

I guess we could relax the validation step.

taylorreiter commented 1 year ago

Ah interesting, thank you for the explanation. Alternatively, having an informative error message that explains the failure would be helpful!

milot-mirdita commented 1 year ago

You are right, that's generally something we should have invested more time in. There is just so much to do...

taylorreiter commented 1 year ago

Absolutely :) well thank you very much for taking the time to respond to this issue! Will save me orders of magnitude of time being able to use linclust.