Closed lwadi closed 4 years ago
Which version of hhsuite do you use?
Thanks for your reply. I am running version 3.0.0.
Hi I have a similar problem. using version 3.1.0
~/hh-suite/build$ hhblits -i ./P43490.fasta -ohhm newfasta.hmm -n 4 -M first -d ./uniclust30_2018_08/uniclust30_2018_08
18:04:15.783 INFO: Search results will be written to ./P43490.hhr
18:04:23.326 INFO: Searching 15161831 column state sequences.
18:04:23.442 INFO: ./P43490.fasta is in A2M, A3M or FASTA format
18:04:23.443 INFO: Iteration 1
18:04:24.292 INFO: Prefiltering database
18:07:10.631 INFO: HMMs passed 1st prefilter (gapless profile-profile alignment) : 331162
18:07:16.660 INFO: HMMs passed 2nd prefilter (gapped profile-profile alignment) : 353
18:07:16.660 INFO: HMMs passed 2nd prefilter and not found in previous iterations : 353
18:07:16.660 INFO: Scoring 353 HMMs using HMM-HMM Viterbi alignment
18:07:16.841 INFO: Alternative alignment: 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped) where it produces no ouput file.
Did you end up solving the issue?
Could you please provide your input fasta?
Thanks for replying: I've tried both these files with either .txt or .fsa but neither worked and still get this errror
20:01:48.483 INFO: Scoring 341 HMMs using HMM-HMM Viterbi alignment
20:01:48.657 INFO: Alternative alignment: 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I tested P43490.fas.txt
with the newest version of hh-suite (release 3.2). There was no segmentation fault. Please update your HH-suite.
is there a command to update? I tried re-downloading with the instructions and I can only get 3.1. With conda it downloads 3.2 but when I run hhblits it is again the 3.1.0 version. I tried uninstalling but apparently no such package exists.
I am successfully downloading 3.2 and extracting using
wget; tar xvfz hhsuite-3.2.0-AVX2-Linux.tar.gz; export PATH="$(pwd)/bin:$(pwd)/scripts:$PATH"
but when I run hhblits it is still says 3.1, resulting in the same 'core dumped' error. Why is this?
Try changing the maximum number of threads for the operating system
TL;DR Our cluster dispatch computing environment couldn't execute hhblits, but specific nodes on the cluster are perfectly capable still.
I had a similar problem and found that it is unique to the computing environment whether a segmentation fault occurs.
Running hhblits on the machine where it was originally cloned and built produces no errors. On the other hand, once I copied this directory into our cluster and run hhblits, I receive exactly the same error as @lwadi and @Skourtis.
To ensure this problem was not from building hh-suite in a separate environment than where I intend to run, I again cloned, and built hh-suite according to the github README on the cluster. Again, running the command with the new build produces the same segmentation fault error only when submitted on the cluster dispatch computer. I can even copy this build to my original machine and was able to execute without any issue.
It seems that my cluster dispatch computer (maybe yours too) and the hh-suite environment are not compatible. In the case of a computer cluster, submitting the job to an actual node solved my issues. Try to set up an interactive session on your cluster or learn about job submission. Hopefully this fixes your issues if your cluster is anything like mine.
Are you sure all cluster nodes support AVX2? You might want to run the SSE2 build instead as the lowest common denominator, or write a script that dispatches to either AVX2 or SSE2 depending on the compute nodes CPU instruction set support.
I have a similar problem. I'm running version 3.2.0. My environment is WSL Ubuntu 18.04. ( not computer cluster )
And I found this error doesn't occur when I set PDB70 as a database. When I set uniclust30_2018_08 or UniRef30_2020_02, segmentation fault happened. I think the reason may be the difference in size. (PDB70: 56GB, uniclust30: 86GB, UniRef30: 165GB)
With 'gdb' command I checked where segmentation falut happened, and it seems at the 'fgetline' function in 'getTemplateHMM'. ( hhdatabase.cpp:402 )
void HHEntry::getTemplateHMM(FILE* dbf, char* name, Parameters& par,
char use_global_weights, const float qsc,
int& format, float* pb, const float S[20][20],
const float Sim[20][20], HMM* t) {
if (dbf != NULL) {
char line[LINELEN];
→ if (!fgetline(line, LINELEN, dbf)) {
//TODO: throw error
HH_LOG(ERROR) << "In " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << __func__ << ":" << std::endl;
HH_LOG(ERROR) << "\tThis should not happen!" << std::endl;
and the source of 'fgetline' is here. ( util-inl.h:390 )
// Emulates the ifstream::getline method; similar to fgets(str,maxlen,FILE*),
// but removes the newline at the end and returns NULL if at end of file or read error
inline char* fgetline(char str[], const int maxlen, FILE* file) {
if (!fgets(str, maxlen, file))
return NULL;
if (chomp(str) + 1 >= maxlen) // if line is cut after maxlen characters...
while (fgetc(file) != '\n')
; // ... read in rest of line
return (str);
So I think segmentation fault happens when the program tries to read 'dbf' File with fgets or fgetc.
And 'dbf' is from hhm data. ( hhdatabase.cpp:328 )
FILE* dbf = ffindex_fopen_by_entry(ffdatabase->db_data, entry);
But I don't know how to solve this problem. It seems a memory issue after all, but I use enough memory (16GB) and stack size. Also, I tried the conda version, but the same problem occurred. Please help me !!!
P.S. I tried to run hhblits, using PDB70 database with pdb70_hhm.ffdata removed, and the same error ( segmentation fault ) happened at the same position.
Could you make a new issue please? That seems very unrelated and either like a WSL issue or maybe insufficient RAM. I don't have much experience with WSL. I would recommend to use a native Linux environment or the MPI Toolkit webserver of the Tübingen team (
From what I know from WSL I would also make sure you are using WSL2 and not WSL1. If you find out what's wrong with it we are always happy for contributions.
HHBlits is raising segmentation fault error. A sample sequence of length 56 is given for the testing purpose. But it throws segmentation error. When given a sequence of length 5 or 6 it works fine. So it is clear that the error is due to memory issue. Is there any way to overcome this?
step1: change your hhsuits version(that suites your server) step2: use absolute path for your task (for the reason that default path is prior to your downloaded execuateble hhsuit) step3: congratulations, it work
I am having a recurrent problem when trying to use hhblits. It runs to a certain point then fails with this message: Segmentation fault (core dumped). I noticed this usually occurs right after the HMM-HMM Viterbi alignment starts. I thought it might be a memory issue so I increased the memory and # of cpus, however I still get the same message. Please note: I also see the same message when I am trying to run hhblits_omp. I am using a compute cluster where I don't have administrative right. I will share my code and the output below.
SBATCH --job-name running_hhblits
SBATCH --time=00-24:00
SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=125000M
module load intel/2018.3 hh-suite/3.0-beta.3
hhblits -cpu 4 -M first -i sample.fasta -o hhblits_result.hhr -d ./databases/uniclust30_2018_08/uniclust30_2018_08
/var/spool/slurmd/job14880636/slurm_script: line 11: 13193 Segmentation fault (core dumped) hhblits -cpu 4 -M first -i sample.fasta -o hhblits_result2.hhr -d ./databases/uniclust30_2018_08/uniclust30_2018_08
Thank you.