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tr-64 Adapter for ioBroker
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Store "Last Active" parseable version (ISO Date?) #6

Closed Apollon77 closed 8 years ago

Apollon77 commented 8 years ago

Currently "lastActive" is stored in a very custom format which is good european human readable format but not really international and not really in a format that a script can work with it.

Please store it in a default format (ISO or such), so it is still readable, bit can also be converted and worked with (like "how long the device is offline now" and such cases)

Or store an additional timeStamp like in find-my-iphone adapter

soef commented 8 years ago

you are right. will be changed in version 0.1.8

Apollon77 commented 8 years ago

worx, verified (installed from github :-) )