sofa-framework / sofa

Real-time multi-physics simulation with an emphasis on medical simulation.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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[QT] Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found. #3486

Open rodriguesvinay opened 1 year ago

rodriguesvinay commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am trying to install using and everything worked fine but while running ./runSofa shows me this error. Please also see the image attached (sorry for the mobile phone capture). Any help will be appreciated. 1

fredroy commented 1 year ago

Hello @rodriguesvinay ,

It seems it comes from the fact that Qt could not connect to the display (Warning [Qt] could not connect to display). And xcb is linked to X11, so I think your docker configuration cannot connect to your X server (if existing). Whats your system you are trying to launch the docker on ?

rodriguesvinay commented 1 year ago

hi @fredroy, thanks for getting back. I am using Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS.

In sofaframework/sofabuilder_ubuntu, I clone the repo git clone -b v22.06.00 sofa/src and followed the procedure for build SOFA on [Linux]( and got the same error while running ./runSofa

while using sofaframework/sofa_nightly_ubuntu:v22.06-full, I first directly run ./runSofa without building sofa and then with building as earlier but again same error. Please also guide me if I have even have to build in second case (sofaframework/sofa_nightly_ubuntu:v22.06-full)

fredroy commented 1 year ago

Actually, I dont even know if anybody uses the GUI with the docker installation 😅

I think it is a matter of configuration of docker to access the local X server. You may try setting some environment variables

rodriguesvinay commented 1 year ago

Actually, I dont even know if anybody uses the GUI with the docker installation why so? don't we need the gui for the sofa? how did we launch sofa then?

rodriguesvinay commented 1 year ago

with normal installation there was problem in the configuring step where we choose unix /ninja and assign C & C++ compilers. it was not able to locate the compilers even though I browsed that. I also tried with gcc/g++. which procedure should I follow? I am frustrated. Is Unbuntu 18.04 causing problem?

fredroy commented 1 year ago

Actually, I dont even know if anybody uses the GUI with the docker installation why so? don't we need the gui for the sofa? how did we launch sofa then?

Just a thought, as for me, I use docker to build SOFA but I execute the resulting compilation into the bare-metal system (out of docker)

rodriguesvinay commented 1 year ago

by into the bare-metal system means the original user directory? can you please explain? I will give your procedure a try. My understanding was once I am inside docker then it's my new user (root) environment and I have to do it while I am inside as the repo I cloned is also will be inside I suppose.

fredroy commented 1 year ago

Actually, I got confused, I thought you were using docker to build SOFA, with

Anyway, my advice would be to just download the archive on the website, and directly use the binaries (instead of going through the containerisation of docker) ; in your case for Ubuntu, it would be

rodriguesvinay commented 1 year ago

@fredroy thanks for the link. Also please correct me for the steps that will follow so that I will not kill myself:

  1. download

  2. download dependencies

    • Qt (>= 5.12.0) with Charts and WebEngine
    • OpenGL sudo apt install libopengl0
    • Boost (>= 1.65.1) sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
    • Python 3.8 + pip + numpy + scipy sudo apt install python3.8-dev
    • Additional libraries: libPNG, libJPEG, libTIFF, Glew, Zlib sudo apt install libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev libglew-dev zlib1g-dev
    • SOFA v20.06 and newer also need Eigen (>= 3.2.10) sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
  3. run ./bin/runSofa from folder

There is no need for building in this case right?

rodriguesvinay commented 1 year ago

Hi @guparan, I saw your comment on installation from this link I have been struggling with the installation for a quite some time now. can you please check my comment for the procedure I have mentioned here at or from what you mentioned do I only need those 4 lines to install on ubuntu?