sofa-framework / sofa

Real-time multi-physics simulation with an emphasis on medical simulation.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
867 stars 296 forks source link

[GUI.Qt] Notice user a new version is available #4648

Open alxbilger opened 3 weeks ago

alxbilger commented 3 weeks ago

I suggest to add a message in GUI that a newer version of SOFA is available if an old version is used. I would look like:


I chose to rely on Qt because otherwise it requires a new lib for the http request, and Qt is already here. But having Qt is not enough. I have an error related to ssl (similar error to It requires additional components in the Qt installation. I did not try it myself because it changes the installation process of SOFA. So before going further, we need to conclude that this feature is desirable (and is not a gadget). If it is, we can decide to rely on Qt and its additional component, or to go with a simpler C++ library ( for example). The second solution would open the version checker to ImGui.

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epernod commented 2 weeks ago

perso I vote for curl. I think you have it as soon as you are using ssh/git etc..

bakpaul commented 4 days ago

I found a great wrapper around curl :