sofa-framework / sofa

Real-time multi-physics simulation with an emphasis on medical simulation.
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[all] Refactor SofaTest to cut dependencies #471

Closed damienmarchal closed 6 years ago

damienmarchal commented 6 years ago

This is a variation of the proposal done by @fjourdes in #455 where I allow me a bit more refactoring.

Here is what the PR does:

The consequences are:

Feel free to provide feedback/comment.

This PR:

Reviewers will merge only if all these checks are true.

damienmarchal commented 6 years ago

One possible next-step could be to connect the BaseSimulationTest with the simpleapi work discussed with @maxime-tournier. So that we would have a fully loosed coupling equivalent to scenecreator and sofatest with good looking syntax.

fjourdes commented 6 years ago

I believe whatever the approach taken it should allow to keep things pretty clear between

damienmarchal commented 6 years ago

Hello François (@fjourdes),

Thank for the long and interesting reply.

Your last comment rise an interesting question related to differentiating unittest to functionnal tests. Currently in Sofa we don't make any distinction between unit test and functionnal test but my thinking is that in general utility classes have unit tests while components have functional tests . Making the distinction would be indeed better so the question is how to get there from where we are a now.

Here is a proposal. In the current PR there is a BaseTest and BaseSimulationTest, this could actually be transformed without too much effort into UnitTest and FunctionalTest. The tests inheriting from UnitTest shouldn't use the factory in any way and shouldn't have external dependencies. The test in-heriting from FunctionalTest should use the factory and can make the assumption that specific plugins are loaded. We could event go one step further and emphasizing things by having two set of file, ones named MyClass_unittest.cpp and MyComponent_functionaltest.cpp and in our CMakeLists.txt compile the two set of tests separately with different build targets.

This would make things very clear, be compatible with your workflow where unit test are considered as compilation failure, be compatible with our workflow where functional tests are used because they allow to get decent code coverage and last point as it would use the loose coupling approach it would totally cut the dependency at compile time to SofaTest.

Small note, some Functional tests may rely on components implemented in plugins. I have not clear view if we should disable the test if the plugin is not there or if we should make it fails or if we should "disable" it at runtime.

EDIT: changes some sentences.

guparan commented 6 years ago

@fjourdes: your opinion on latest comment? I prefer this version as I think we should keep an interface to gtest.

fjourdes commented 6 years ago

See my comment in the remarks section of #487

I am really not sure about the current state of SofaGTestMain. It is hidden somewhere in the folder hierarchy (inside tools directory), and its existence seems to imply that you cannot write a unit test inside sofa without relying on it... which is absolutely not the case. See PR #471 Instead having a library which depends on gtest and SofaCore which

  • factorize some initialisation methods when they are actually required in the test SetUp() method
  • provide some useful abstractions when you want to test some important concepts of a component, like what SofaTest wanted to do, but without the dependency bloat. A potential non exhaustive list of abstactions such a library could provide
    • Mapping
    • linearisation,
    • applyJ applyJT equivalence
  • ForceField
    • linearisation
    • addDForce addKToMatrix equivalence
    • addKToMatrix must give a SPD matrix (well actually in Sofa convention I think internal forcefields actually give a SND matrix but the idea remains...

Nothing of this testing API would require the initialisation of a simulation / node.

At this stage to be honest I am not even 100% sure we even need a library for that, maybe free methods are enough.

fjourdes commented 6 years ago

@guparan : however for example unit tests inside SofaCore / SofaDefaullttype / SofaHelper cannot rely on a Sofa specific testing abstraction layer written on top of gtest, if the guildeline is that a unit test executable can be run solely by linking against the library it is designed to test.

damienmarchal commented 6 years ago

Hello François,

Here is a summary of my current understanding of your comments. It seems that you want to: 1 - cut the dependency to SofaTest 2 - have a clear separation between unittest vs functionaltest 3 - cut the dependency to SofaFramework (ie not having the test inheriting from SofaFramework/BaseTest or something like that) for the unittests.

Initially this PR was only about -1- cutting the dependency to SofaTest. My thinking is that the SofaTest dependency is a major problem for everyone using the master branch of sofa because of the high impact on code coupling.

About -2- Following your remarks I'm in favor of improving a more clear separation between unit-test and functional test but as this is something new and maybe this should discussed that in the "issues" section of github instead of inside a specific PR.

About -3- cutting the dependency to SofaFramework. This is something that was never discussed before and worse than that, up to now the general consensus that, as we are in Sofa, we should inherit from a single BaseTest that install all the may be needed to do the test. A good reason for this scenario is nothing related to Scene/Simulation management but because BaseTest provides a default handler for EXPECT_MSG_EMIT/NOEMIT. Of course if your code is not using at all those elements, then you should feel free to use gtest.

As said in previous comment compared to the current Sofa code base I would be very happy to have -1- and -2- done.

It seems that -3- is not a big deal for people using the CMakelists.txt from Sofa but it may be of importance for your specific workflow in which, if I understand your previous answers, you integrate unittest as compilation failure. Maybe you can provide us more details on your workflow so that we can see the drawback of having the tests written in SofaFramework to be inheriting from a BaseTest (which is also defined in SofaFramework).


fjourdes commented 6 years ago

@damienmarchal Sorry I did not pay attention that BaseTest reside in SofaHelper so that is fine, I thought your idea was to implement a new library dedicated to the abstraction api for testing with sofa, ie a kind of lightweight SofaTest library. I was not really aware that there was code inside SofaKernel libraries that directly depend on gtest, I thought it was still kept "optional" (ie that gtest has become mandatory on master for some time, wether or not you build and execute unit tests). We are still used to developping with the "idea" that gtest is optional, even though in reality there is no use case were we do not include it.

Coming back at this PR, to be honest I don't believe there is a functionality in the BaseTest classes (apart from the fact that it removes dependencies) that I would like to use, because mostly :

There are some abstractions attempts in SofaTest that I find interesting ( linearisation tests for the most part ) but it got snowed under a dependency bloat.

However that being said, the only thing I'd like, is that if I implement a test just using the "vanilla" gtest library, it can be merged, built and run easily on the master. With the current state of things, integrating a new test in framework_test, requires you to build all sofa, and not just SofaCore as I would have expected. So in return you have to wait a loooong time before you can actually check that the functionality you want to integrate in master actually works as you expect.

damienmarchal commented 6 years ago

About this PR...please keep in mind that its target is to cut the dependency to SofaTest.

About the NumericTest base test class (I think this is the one François is refering to this one when he is saying "I would like to discourage the use of one size fits all epsilon and comparison values for floating points arithmetic, since I prefer people to actually think about the quantities they...") it is there because there was this functionallities in SofaTest and I didn't want to update all the tests in this PR. So I just move the features from SofaTest to SofaFramework. My strategy is to 1) cut the dependency with this PR, 2) update all the tests in modules small at a time so that they stop using SofaTest. And in a third step if NumericTest is really bad...then maybe someone will update the tests relying on it and remove the class :)

bcarrez commented 6 years ago

From what I understand, we have 2 different topics here.

  1. cut dependencies to SofaTest, which I totally approve. This point reaches consensus I think. I don't see anything that can go against the merge of this PR in this topic

  2. split unit tests and functionnal tests This is a different topic and should be discussed in a separate issue. Anyway my 2 cents about this:

    • obviously this is a good idea. I cannot push forward enough this idea.
    • just keep in mind that these unit-tests should remain FAST to run, since they will be run at each build. (ie. the filemonitor tests, for example, should be refactored to spend less than 10 seconds to run otherwise they will soon become a pain)

To resume my point of view:

  1. merge this PR first
  2. communicate around the fact that tests should not rely on SofaTest anymore (when possible) ==> why not log a warning or "deprecated" message when using SofaTest utilities ?
  3. progressively cut unit tests from SofaTest, on-the-go

In parallel, open the "always run unit-tests" discussion on a separate topic.

guparan commented 6 years ago

My change is not a regression. Builds are now failing when unit tests crash for an unexpected reason (not due to the test itself). Sorry to kind of break your PR @damienmarchal :-/

damienmarchal commented 6 years ago

@guparan No problem guillaume and you are totally right with that. I spend the whole day yesterday to narrow the problem but cannot find it yet.

damienmarchal commented 6 years ago

@guparan & @fredroy I think I fixed the test failure problem on centos & ubuntu by removing the add_target_library( gtest ) in Sofa_test. Don't ask me why it remove the failure at release I don't know ;)

damienmarchal commented 6 years ago


damienmarchal commented 6 years ago


damienmarchal commented 6 years ago

Maxime (@maxime-tournier) I would appreciate to have your feedback on this PR.

maxime-tournier commented 6 years ago

Hi @damienmarchal, will look into it ASAP, but I don't have much time these days unfortunately :-/

damienmarchal commented 6 years ago

@maxime-tournier I would alreay be happy with a feedback on the approach taken to cut the depdencies. I'm asking because I know the topic interests you.

damienmarchal commented 6 years ago

@hugtalbot , @guparan and everyone else This PR

I suggest to have a last look at it & merge it rapidly that we can start working on top of it to improve it and to remove all the dependencies to SofaTest.