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Grammar recheck #21

Closed Longlinh89 closed 9 months ago

Longlinh89 commented 1 year ago

I rechecked to rules and found some grammar errors that I missed so yeah `PLAYER RULES

-> Skip to the end for a FAQ!

-> To read the Creator rules, type: /rules creator

Content: [1] Behavior [2] Copyright [3] Privacy Policy [4] Cheating [5] Hints [6] Light [7] Tutorial [8] User generated content [9] FAQ

[1] Behavior Inside The Box is meant to be a pleasant place for all players, and therefore, we ask that all players behave accordingly. That means that you should treat this server, the players on it, and those who may come to experience the server in some other way with respect and as you yourself would like to be treated.

It goes without saying that anything that players do that alters disrupt or upset any part of the experience of players is a bannable offense, without warning, and subject to being reported to authorities if this is necessary. If you can't figure out what we mean by this, Please leave immediately.

[2] Copyright Other than that, you should know that all the work on this server is copyrighted and that your ability to use or re-use any of it is restricted and bound by certain conditions. Again, if you don't know what this means or what you can or cannot do, ask us first. Of course, playing on this server is entirely allowed without restrictions.

[3] Privacy Policy You should know that we monitor and log player conversations and player interacts with the server. We do not provide these logs to anyone unless legally required to do so, and we do not sell any player information to other parties or companies. However, we will use player data to analyze and improve the server experience for users, so we may closely watch how players behave and interact on the server, for instance, by creating scores or rankings. If you do not agree with this, please leave immediately.

[4] Cheating Cheating, as described by using unfair means to gain an advantage over other players is expressly prohibited. That means that using cheats to fly, look through walls, sprint, use noclip, and unfairly other player capabilities obtained while on this server are subject to an immediate ban without warning. We believe that the best experience is had when players experience the real challenge themselves without unfair help. If you do discover a way to cheat or exploit, we'd love to work with you to resolve this problem. If you don't tell us, but abuse it or tell others, we may take action against you.

[5] Hints We explicitly allow players to discuss and help players with hints. This is not cheating. While we think that players get a better experience trying to solve a problem and persisting in that, we realize that sometimes you just may not find that secret hidden objective.

[6] Light Because the amount of available light in the game varies per display, and per computer, it is always allowed to pick up and move torches. We know that certain levels are very dark, and this may make it very difficult for some players. Therefore, we allow you to move and place torches wherever you can. Of course, not every level has torches available for the player to do so.

[7] Tutorial All players are required to complete the tutorial before they are allowed to enter the general lobby. We want to make sure the players understand and appreciate the puzzle element of the game before they start creating their own challenges.

[8] User generated content We don't want to take over the copyright of your works, but you can't build on this server without somehow permitting the server to share your creation with other players, and therefore, you are granting us the rights to do so. Even if you never submit your creation for review, you still grant the server whatever rights are applicable to sharing any content you put in your own creations, and allow the server to redistribute it to other people without reservations.

[9] Q&A Q: Can I record videos while playing on this server? A: Yes, but if you record with the music from this server, you are required to provide the proper attribution, and you may not use monetization or otherwise make videos for commercial purposes. The credits are: "Lee Rosevere, Music Inspired by MiNRS, CC-BY-NC-4.0"

Q: I think I found a bug! A: contact, or 'sofar' in the game. Or visit the website and visit the Feedback page.

Q: Where can I find more information? A: Go to: ]]

rules.rules["player"] = r.player:gsub("%]","\]"):gsub("%[","\["):gsub(";","\;"):gsub(",","\,"):gsub("\n", ",")

r.creator = [[


These rules are for people who create puzzle boxes.

We want players to enjoy coming to this server and to spend lots of time playing puzzles. In order to promote this, we have a few basic ground rules to prevent player frustration and promote fun and challenging puzzles. Some of the things listed below are more "guidelines" than hard rules, and some are really hard rules. If you think that breaking a rule listed here would improve the game, then discuss it with the admins, and be prepared to state your case.

  1. The puzzle must always remain solvable.

An abandoned puzzle is a failed puzzle, and the player loses. Do not ever make a puzzle that the player must leave to reset. If your puzzle needs some sort of reset button; you need to build it with the tools available to you in the box creator mode.

  1. Dying must never be required to complete a box.

A player must never feel like having to commit suicide. There should always be a way out. If the player is actually in an unsolvable situation, you should kill the player immediately, for instance by flooding the player with lava.

  1. Do not create "manholes" that the player can get stuck in.

A stuck player is an abandoned player. Either kill the player or allow the player to recover.

  1. Do not make darkness an essential part of your puzzle.

Your monitor may be nice and bright, but some people may have bad vision or a darker monitor. And your cave system with 20 cave parts that has one torch is just impossible to do without cheating and turning up gamma on the monitor. Dark boxes promote cheating and give an unfair advantage. You can use darkness as an occasional feature or even anti-feature (e.g., making nonessential parts dark), but if your box is mostly dark; that's not acceptable.

  1. Do not use fake items.

Planting empty or decoy items is the opposite of creativity, and frustrates players. Try to reward the player instead. Unconnected switches, empty chests, locked item frames that are not in a "hint" position or are clearly decorative are all sources of frustration.

  1. Do not make boxes that are 3/4 empty.

Empty, large spaces feel boring and allow the player to quickly see almost everything they need to find. Fill up the space, even up and down, as much as you can do with decoration or playable areas.

  1. When submitting, expect feedback, and update your box

Everyone wins if your boxes are better. You get a better box that will be played more and where players are spending more time playing it.

  1. Use buttons, not switches

Unless you need the player to flip a switch twice, you should always use a button with a filter to open that door, create some nodes, or open a pathway.

  1. Don't build on the bottom.

This is a sure way to get yourself into trouble or make an uninteresting, and an open box. Always throw some basic landscaping in place with the landscaping tool and build at least a few blocks up.

  1. Decorate, decorate, decorate

4 hours is almost the minimum amount of time you'll need to spend building to make a decently decorated and well-functioning puzzle, and more if you add lots of mechanical components. You can't, I repeat, not make a box in 30 minutes and expect it to be "well done". Even box 6, which has a meager sub-100 nodes and took several hours of work to get right.

Use the paint tool. Diversify your nodes. Use slabs to create relief and texture. But don't overmix things, either. 5 different colors flowers aren't stylish. Mixing certain blocks for building material may also not match well.

  1. Don't make a puzzle first!

Always, always make the background and stage for your puzzle first. It is already really hard to think of a good way to capture your player and to tell a story, but you really can't do it unless there is a clear atmosphere with a story present. The style of your box, the areas that the player needs to visit; these all dictate the obstacles that the player will have to overcome and are easy puzzle elements that you can add to make the puzzle more complex and enjoyable.

  1. Avoid signs and icons

Don't repeat the name of the box. Don't put your name somewhere on a sign. These are all things that break the "4th wall" for players and ruin the immersion feeling. A doorbell in a normal house doesn't have the word "doorbell" next to it. Icons, similarly, are not really meant for decoration or hints, and usually distract more than anything.

  1. Don't leave hints in your box

Don't use a terminal for player hints. They always figure it out, and it breaks the 4th wall. Plus, most of the time, the terminals are a distraction. The terminals are for lore and stories you may want to share. Try to stay away from personal stuff and overly dramatic passages, though. It's a game, and it should remain fun for everyone.

  1. Parkour rules

This server isn't meant for endless hardcore parkour. We will accept boxes that are parkour-focused, but the emphasis should be on puzzles and not jumps. On top of that, jumps must not be one of these or further than these: 1 node up and over a 3-node gap; across a level 4 node gap 1 node down and over a 5-node gap; Any jump should be reasonably doable. In doubt: If you cannot repeat the same jump 5x in succession without failing, it's too difficult. ng. `