sofastack-incubator / rebot-test

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I love Beijing Tiananmen 2 #7

Open ujjboy opened 5 years ago

ujjboy commented 5 years ago



    protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
        // 只保留一个 根据第一次请求识别协议,构建后面的ChannelHandler
            .addLast(new AdapterDecoder(serverChannelHandler,
                transportConfig.getPayload(), transportConfig.isTelnet()));

Why did the execution fail here? The error is as follows: @Override protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception { // Keep only one channelHandler based on the first request recognition protocol, build the following ChannelHandler ch.pipeline().addLast(connectionChannelHandler) .addLast(new AdapterDecoder (serverChannelHandler, transportConfig.getPayload(), transportConfig.isTelnet())); }