sofastack / sofa-boot

SOFABoot is a framework that enhances Spring Boot and fully compatible with it, provides readiness check, class isolation, etc.
Apache License 2.0
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导入sofa-rpc-boot-projects项目源码到sts出错 #80

Closed qinliang373 closed 6 years ago

qinliang373 commented 6 years ago

本机安装jdk1.8,开发工具sts,将sofa-rpc-boot-projects导入sts出错,部分jar包找不到, 出错原因 Description Resource Path Location Type Missing artifact pom.xml /sofa-boot-samples line 31 Maven Dependency Problem Missing artifact pom.xml /sofa-boot-samples line 21 Maven Dependency Problem Missing artifact pom.xml /sofa-boot-samples line 26 Maven Dependency Problem Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: com.googlecode.maven-java-formatter-plugin:maven-java-formatter-plugin:0.4:format (execution: default, phase: process-sources) pom.xml /sofa-boot-samples line 7 Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin: (execution: pre-test, phase: process-classes) pom.xml /sse-boot-web-endpoint line 5 Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin: (execution: pre-test, phase: process-classes) pom.xml /sse-boot-web-web line 6 Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem Project build error: Non-resolvable parent POM for Failure to find in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of mirror-all has elapsed or updates are forced and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM pom.xml /sofa-boot-starter line 5 Maven pom Loading Problem The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library 'D:\javax\repo\com\alipay\sofa\rpc-sofa-boot-starter\5.4.0\rpc-sofa-boot-starter-5.4.0.jar' sofa-boot-samples Build path Build Path Problem The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved sofa-boot-samples Unknown Java Problem

leizhiyuan commented 6 years ago

你本地是不是配置了 alipay cloud的 mvn 库? 这个还没正式 release. 稍等下,今天会 release.

qinliang373 commented 6 years ago

本地已经配置了alipay cloud的mvn库

ujjboy commented 6 years ago

@qinliang373 不会上传到 库 只会上传到Maven中央仓库。

khotyn commented 6 years ago

@qinliang373 开源的版本都是到 Maven 的中央仓库上的,不需要单独配置 alipay cloud 的 mvn 库的。