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Editing RTL websites #1052

Open eZweblogic opened 4 years ago

eZweblogic commented 4 years ago

Trying to edit RTL website in Oxygen can be a less complete experience because UI elements would show in un expected places.

Don't waste your time with language change in admin area or for admin users. It won't work. What works is a simple CSS rtl property.

In the default css /oxygen/component-framework/toolbar/UI/css/default.css FIND: body.oxygen-builder-body {....} ADD: {direction: ltr;}

Clear your browser's cache to see changes.

This will switch Oxygen to LTR (left to right) direction and things will look in place again. It has no effect on the website you're building, it will continue looking right either inside Oxygen's preview or in the browser.

KarzanTT commented 4 years ago
