soflyy / oxygen-bugs-and-features

Bug Reports & Feature Requests for Oxygen
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DONE: Multiple undo option #12

Closed marceli78 closed 3 years ago

marceli78 commented 5 years ago

One undo option is just not enough for speedy work. If you make mistake twice or more you have to delete and do things again. It really slows down design process.

zviz commented 5 years ago

undo using ctrl-z from the builder is quite necessary for fluent work.

FlexonReclame commented 5 years ago

Maybe the developers could focus first on the simple but necessary improvements

divmonkey commented 5 years ago

Now that is a MUST have. And yes, with Ctrl+Z(undo) and Ctrl+Y(redo)

rwill007 commented 5 years ago

Why isn't the need for this feature taken seriously? It's hard to consider this a WYSIWYG visual builder / editor without the ability to quickly undo simple edits. smh!

louisreingold commented 5 years ago

It is taken seriously. But so are all the other requests on this page.

zviz commented 5 years ago

The thing is, talking on my behalf only: I've purchased Oxygen on a really early stage based on previous good experience i've had with wp all import product. i did so as a show of support to the team behind these products. Yet since purchasing i've avoided using it for actually building projects. first beacuse RTL problems and then the lack of easy undos which is a complete must. The months that have passed since, does not show it is being taken seriously.

rwill007 commented 5 years ago

I see that I'm not the only one who gets the sense that oxygen is being managed as more of a pet project than a serious business tool.

zviz commented 5 years ago

I hope you are wrong. it can grow into an amazing tool.

asbpette commented 5 years ago


ddwenterprises commented 5 years ago

Not purchasing for this reason alone. I am following this issue and will purchase once implemented. Undo should include moving and edits to elements.

danlavie commented 5 years ago

The thing is, talking on my behalf only: I've purchased Oxygen on a really early stage based on previous good experience i've had with wp all import product. i did so as a show of support to the team behind these products. Yet since purchasing i've avoided using it for actually building projects. first beacuse RTL problems and then the lack of easy undos which is a complete must. The months that have passed since, does not show it is being taken seriously.

I also wait for RTL support. Would be a shame if not implemented, since there are other options out there, but Oxygen is much superior in many ways. To loose bigger client base just for RTL is a huge miss! and it's happening right now, since many asked me to move from another page builder to a better and faster one.

verioussmith commented 5 years ago

Multiple undo support would be very helpful. I would go so far as suggesting an actual history pallette. DIVI has something like a history pallette. This is closer to what photoshop does and makes it very easy for you to navigate back and forth through different historical changes in the life of your document.

This would be a win.

bstramsek commented 5 years ago

The undo option doesn't need to be complicated - just saving the state in browser should do the trick. This way undo would go only to the point of last save (what it usually goes to)... This way there is no need to bloat the db with undo states and if you would want to - a simple refresh would bring you to the last saved state. Undo shortcut would then be able to go back one step.

oldrup commented 5 years ago

Coming from other builders, I tend to experiment and accidentally drag and drop elements into wrong places without really knowing what I did. Ctrl-Z to undo is almost muscle memory, and I really miss it in oxygen. So, a +1 to that feature from Denmark.

(Still insanely satisfying to build in oxygen though - so much closer to "the real thing" than other builders)

divmonkey commented 5 years ago

I made a poll about this in the official Oxygen Pagebuilder group and it reaches a total vote of 157 in favor of YES. I know everyone noticed it, even louis does. Just want to add this here.

Willem-Siebe commented 5 years ago

Just bought Oxygen after trying Brizy. First thing I missed was Ctrl-Z when I moved a picture and could not move it back to the place it belonged. Ctrl-Z would have been very helpfull there.

macbaydigital commented 5 years ago

yup, pls add this, thank you 🙏

chembim commented 5 years ago


HenkDz commented 5 years ago

A must. I am forced to reload the whole page if anything goes wrong.

wpsumo commented 5 years ago

+1 Undo, redo and reset style per element is a must.

wpsumo commented 5 years ago

How about a reset button as well? Which would be per element/div etc. So it's possible to easily reset a styling that was made to the ID that was supposed to be assigned to a custom class.

Right now it's a hassle to reset everything. The fastest way is usually to recreate it since all styling to ID is not always cleaned. And I do not want to style 5 identical columns with 5 unique ID's which will have the same style. Most users will use custom classes and it would be good if we could be able to reset styling here.

Alternative also add copy style from ID to class and vise versa.

dontforgetmario commented 5 years ago

At the beginning I thought it must be there, all other builders have it, then I looked everywhere, than I thought maybe I have to active that “undo”’feature somewhere, then I asked and then I found out, there is no undo... I seems unreal, I paid $169 for a builder which has no undo button?

krstivoja commented 5 years ago
Oxymaniac commented 5 years ago


wpdoit commented 5 years ago


maeonian commented 4 years ago


Being new to Oxygen, I really need an Undo and a Reset for options. I keep finding myself having to delete entire sections and starting it over when I make mistakes.

bzle commented 4 years ago


robert1112 commented 4 years ago

+1 Elementor has this a while. It is very helpful.

ActiveVentilationProducts commented 4 years ago

yes yes!

jcmatoskx commented 4 years ago

It's been a year and there still isn't a ctrl+Z option? :'(

joecodino commented 4 years ago

Moving from Elementor to Oxygen. Unable to work without an Undo feature. Sometimes a bad mouse movement or an accidental click can damage your page.

HenkDz commented 4 years ago

Moving from Elementor to Oxygen. Unable to work without an Undo feature. Sometimes a bad mouse movement or an accidental click can damage your page.

Whenever you are satisfied with your changes just click save. Whenever your mouse move accidentally just refresh the page. I survived years doing this.

marou-lia commented 4 years ago

+1 !!!!!!

Spritpit commented 4 years ago

Oxygen is committed to the fast workflow and I agree that it is fast, but without an undo function and also going back a few steps, the whole thing lags enormously. Command + Z is important to try things out quickly and to take the steps back one by one. This is a process of development and that includes quickly trying and deleting things. Please implement this !! :-)

junaidsmsG commented 4 years ago


OST-dev commented 4 years ago

i would enjoy using OXY a lot more if there was a multiple undo/history built-in.

for new users with limited code knowledge it is MISERY when things go wrong.

i remember Louis slagging off the competition in one of the DIVI / OXY / COMPETITOR youtube vids. I liked his attitude and swung me to try OXY over the comfortable surrounds of DIVI. However, if you want to be the best, then work harder at being the best!!

markj-s commented 4 years ago

Just started to use Oxygen so still a newb (thumbs up so far!). Having come from using the free version of Elementor which has it as standard, a real undo and history feature would be a big benefit to the workflow. I can't imagine it would fun to code up the software behind Oxygen in any code editor without having ctrl z so would this not be a big benefit to every user since it is present in most everyday software? It is a bit like not having the Escape key when Apple killed it off on the MBP a few years back. You expect it to be there but it isn't!

designbysteph commented 4 years ago

NEED this. Such an excellent and advanced builder without a basic and necessary function! Just an undo button is too slow, having to move the cursor over. Need shortcut keys for workflow. Also, need to be able to undo anything you do, not just deleting a section.

imanuky commented 4 years ago

essential!!! Please! It is amazing that it does not have this function being a payment plugin... :(

comtekss commented 4 years ago

Would be extremely helpful please

bipenett commented 4 years ago

Hey, Oxygen Builder TEAM, when are we going to have the UNDO feature????? This is HIGHLY NEEDED!!!

gdnwebmedia commented 4 years ago


zunaidk commented 4 years ago


krlhngs commented 4 years ago


ghost commented 4 years ago

Yes, undo please +1

justadityaraj commented 4 years ago


designbysteph commented 4 years ago

Come on Oxygen! This is a basic necessity. You have the best builder but are going to lose customers/ranking as the best builder if this is not addressed.

KarzanTT commented 4 years ago


andielliott commented 4 years ago

Coming to Oxygen cold a few months ago I'd say it's the one missing feature that makes Oxygen feel like a less polished product - Elementor/Beaver Builder/Visual Composer have this built in.

verioussmith commented 4 years ago

So I recently saw that someone came out with an undo for Oxygen builder plugin but the first thing that came into my mind when I saw that plugin was that "This should be a core feature".

I am eagerly anticipating this needed feature.

+1000 from me.