soflyy / oxygen-bugs-and-features

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Output universal.css with the framework stylesheet #1633

Open swinggraphics opened 4 years ago

swinggraphics commented 4 years ago

I understand outputting individual page/post stylesheets in a separate wp_head action, but universal.css (and, ideally, a bundle of all CSS for templates) should use standard wp_enqueue_style so they can be minified and combined.

swinggraphics commented 4 years ago

Okaaaaaay……so there are more stylesheets that Oxygen outputs…in the footer. 😠 The one I am currently noticing on a very blank test site is aoc.css. This is the kind of junk we're trying to get away from by using a product geared towards developers. All stylesheets should be loaded in <head>. A dumb plugin that only loads assets when its shortcode is called might get away with this, but the page builder framework should not commit this offense.

wpsumo commented 4 years ago

+1 for not loading all custom css classes + stylsheet in universal. Control to load them on templates or global. Conditional loading styling only work for ID styling.

Martin-1 commented 4 years ago


annettePixie commented 2 years ago

Is this still an "enhancement"? Really?