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Functionality to import CSS into 'Manage > Selectors' #1797

Open pr0jectile opened 3 years ago

pr0jectile commented 3 years ago

Describe the feature you'd like to see included in Oxygen.

Create import functionality for CSS so that CSS frameworks & custom stylesheets could be added under 'Manage > Selectors' so that you can utilise the classes under each element.

What are the use cases for this feature?

For designers / developers using CSS frameworks TailwindCSS or Bootstrap etc, this would be a brilliant way to import large CSS stylesheets whilst utilising what's only needed on the page, therefore not loading the whole framework on the frontend.

It also opens up other possibilities such as creating a global stylesheet under 'Manage > Stylesheets' and then clicking 'convert stylesheet to selectors' and the whole stylesheet is then available as selectors.

pr0jectile commented 3 years ago

I can see there's 'Oxygen > Export & Import' which uses JSON, so I'm currently thinking of a clever way to convert CSS to JSON, then using the import feature to add selectors on mass.

Looking through Oxygen's files, I can see 'ct_style_sets', 'ct_custom_selectors' and 'ct_style_folders' but there's a massive mapping list of attributes which looks like it can get messy doing it this way.

Hope someone has better ideas than me!

pr0jectile commented 2 years ago

Any updates on this? Is there a roadmap we can follow?