soflyy / oxygen-bugs-and-features

Bug Reports & Feature Requests for Oxygen
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Pods integration would be hugely beneficial for Oxygen and here is why! #2122

Open damienlee77 opened 3 years ago

damienlee77 commented 3 years ago

Please consider the following!

At present Oxygen works with both ACF Pro & Toolset which are not open source and respectively cost a considerable amount yearly. By only supporting these plugins, Oxygen Builder effectively increases the cost of purchasing and using Oxygen considerably and for which you derive no additional income.

Oxygens' primary competition is the like of Elementor and Beaver Builder, which both support Pods with full integration.

The previous feature request for pods integration was declined recently because a paid plugin-in that costs more than Oxygen itself exists which provides integration between Oxygen and Pods. The provider of that plugin themselves, from what I understand, believes that Oxygen should be providing this integration natively as it would be logical for the Oxygen business model.

From a pure marketing standpoint, this integration is invaluable in that it takes the advantages of a free open-source solution that would empower the Oxygen Builder platform. Oxygen would gain all of the power and features of Pods without the developmental costs. It would be like effectively offering a 50% discount on initial setup costs to developers without Oxygen having to discount their own costing.

Also, the development cost in providing that integration, as I understand it, would be minimal. Pods are willing to discuss and provide assistance as well for this integration.

Not supporting pods from a marketing standpoint provides a stumbling block to deriving value from Oxygen Builder for customers. I have no doubt it will also turn customers to Beaver Builder when Oxygen could promote this powerful integration as a selling point. Rather than boasting the power of Oxygen with ACF which costs considerably, they could boast a relationship with Pods which is free.

Please reconsider this feature addition!

damienlee77 commented 3 years ago

The original feature request can be found here:

The plugin which partially solves the integration problem's creator has also responded after the feature request was declined to say:

"Supporting custom fields should be a first-priority thing for Oxygen and other page builders, Pods Pro just takes what they have and expands and improves it to make it easier to work with on a Pods-centric level."


"I think having something in Oxygen that covers ACF, Pods, and other plugins would be smart for them."

jesperandreassen commented 3 years ago


Caffeinedesign commented 3 years ago

totally agree, i usually use pods in my agency, and we use elementor and beaver builder for more complex sites, wich requires custom post types, and this is one of the reasons.

HmCody commented 3 years ago

This would be particularly helpful with the new Repeater element. It is absolutely awesome, but the inability to access all Pods fields within it limits where I can use it.

ETA: Also, to enable the use of Pods image galleries in sliders and carousels.

xenio commented 2 years ago

I'll love Pods integration on Oxygen Builder. +1 all the way.

aureldelic commented 2 years ago

Really cannot believe this was not implemented FIRST +1

SeeJaneB commented 1 year ago

Please consider the 87 upvotes on the declined feature request #478 in addition to the votes for this enhancement request that is still open. Let's give Pods some love with some native integration.

sightek commented 1 year ago


sc0ttkclark commented 1 year ago

I'm always available to the Oxygen devs if they have questions or want to do a call to go over how to work with Pods data. We try to keep things as close as possible to working with WP meta data normally these days so it should be a bit easier now.

dawnbomb commented 3 months ago
