Open dmccan opened 5 years ago
Just want to add that Travel and Lifestyle Blogs are very popular. Pinterest is used extensively and not just "follow me" option. Sharing for each individual image is used extensively too. Pinterest outdoes Twitter with savvy Lifestyle bloggers.
Like to add: Add Soundcloud option to Social Media widget.
Ideally, Oxygen would allow custom extension to the number and type of social media links available in the widget.
Or the existing social media slots made customizable by entering our own SVG code and altering the reference names. The default 6 slots aren't enough for one of my socially insecure clients who wants to be seen on every social media platform everywhere. Could live with 10 custom options.
Hacking the SVG code in the social-icons.class.php file wears thin - especially after an Oxy update.
+1 from me
You can have the option to choose FontAwesome Library while configuring the social media icons + ability to add custom icons.
+1 Minds, Locals etc.
+1 Pinterest
+1 Pinterest
+1 telegram whatsapp and pinterest
the best is to give the possibility to customise it
Any update on this feature request? At the very least, allow us the opportunity to add new socials. Or will this feature just go to Breakdance?
I see this is still open, so +1 Add some option for custom icons. My client for example wanted Tiktok. Now i made it another way, but if this element was updated it would have saved me 15 minutes (including logging in, changing icons in two places,..)
Update this please.
Please update this.
Tik Tok!!! +1
A good approach
* Social Icons component
* @since 2.0
* @author Ilya K.
Class Oxy_Social_Icons extends CT_Component {
var $social_icons_svg_added = false;
var $networks = array('facebook', 'instagram', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'rss', 'youtube', 'tiktok');
var $network_colors = array(
'facebook' => '#3b5998',
'instagram' => '#c32aa3',
'twitter' => '#00b6f1',
'linkedin' => '#007bb6',
'rss' => '#ee802f',
'youtube' => '#ff0000',
'tiktok' => '#ff0050'
var $network_hover_colors = array(
'facebook' => '#5b79b8',
'instagram' => '#e34ac3',
'twitter' => '#20d6ff',
'linkedin' => '#209bd6',
'rss' => '#ffa04f',
'youtube' => '#ff4444',
'tiktok' => '#b30038'
function __construct( $options ) {
// run initialization
$this->init( $options );
// Add shortcodes
add_shortcode( $this->options['tag'], array( $this, 'add_shortcode' ) );
add_oxygen_element( $this->options['tag'], array( $this, 'add_shortcode' ) );
// change component button place
remove_action("ct_toolbar_fundamentals_list", array( $this, "component_button" ) );
add_action("oxygen_helpers_components_composite", array( $this, "component_button" ) );
// add specific styles
add_filter("oxy_component_css_styles", array( $this, "css_styles" ), 10, 4);
// include only for builder
if (isset( $_GET['oxygen_iframe'] )) {
add_action("wp_footer", array( $this, "svg_output") );
* Add a [oxy_social_icons] shortcode to WordPress
* @since 2.0
function add_shortcode( $atts, $content = null, $name = null ) {
if ( ! $this->validate_shortcode( $atts, $content, $name ) ) {
return '';
// add SVG to footer only once
if ($this->social_icons_svg_added === false) {
add_action("wp_footer", array( $this, "svg_output") );
$this->social_icons_svg_added = true;
$options = $this->set_options( $atts );
$icons_html = '';
foreach ($this->networks as $network) {
$blank = '';
if ($options['icon_style'] == 'blank') {
$blank = '-blank';
if ($options['icon_'.$network]) {
$icons_html .= "<a href='".$options['icon_'.$network]."' target='".$options['icon_link_target']."' class='oxy-social-icons-".$network."'><svg><title>".$options['title_'.$network]."</title><use xlink:href='#oxy-social-icons-icon-".$network.$blank."'></use></svg></a>";
?><div id="<?php echo esc_attr($options['selector']); ?>" class="<?php echo esc_attr($options['classes']); ?>" <?php do_action("oxygen_vsb_component_attr", $options, $this->options['tag']); ?>><?php echo $icons_html; ?></div><?php
return ob_get_clean();
* Output icons SVG
* @since 2.0
function svg_output() { ?>
<svg style="position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden;" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<symbol id="oxy-social-icons-icon-linkedin" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
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<path d="M16 2.881c4.275 0 4.781 0.019 6.462 0.094 1.563 0.069 2.406 0.331 2.969 0.55 0.744 0.288 1.281 0.638 1.837 1.194 0.563 0.563 0.906 1.094 1.2 1.838 0.219 0.563 0.481 1.412 0.55 2.969 0.075 1.688 0.094 2.194 0.094 6.463s-0.019 4.781-0.094 6.463c-0.069 1.563-0.331 2.406-0.55 2.969-0.288 0.744-0.637 1.281-1.194 1.837-0.563 0.563-1.094 0.906-1.837 1.2-0.563 0.219-1.413 0.481-2.969 0.55-1.688 0.075-2.194 0.094-6.463 0.094s-4.781-0.019-6.463-0.094c-1.563-0.069-2.406-0.331-2.969-0.55-0.744-0.288-1.281-0.637-1.838-1.194-0.563-0.563-0.906-1.094-1.2-1.837-0.219-0.563-0.481-1.413-0.55-2.969-0.075-1.688-0.094-2.194-0.094-6.463s0.019-4.781 0.094-6.463c0.069-1.563 0.331-2.406 0.55-2.969 0.288-0.744 0.638-1.281 1.194-1.838 0.563-0.563 1.094-0.906 1.838-1.2 0.563-0.219 1.412-0.481 2.969-0.55 1.681-0.075 2.188-0.094 6.463-0.094zM16 0c-4.344 0-4.887 0.019-6.594 0.094-1.7 0.075-2.869 0.35-3.881 0.744-1.056 0.412-1.95 0.956-2.837 1.85-0.894 0.888-1.438 1.781-1.85 2.831-0.394 1.019-0.669 2.181-0.744 3.881-0.075 1.713-0.094 2.256-0.094 6.6s0.019 4.887 0.094 6.594c0.075 1.7 0.35 2.869 0.744 3.881 0.413 1.056 0.956 1.95 1.85 2.837 0.887 0.887 1.781 1.438 2.831 1.844 1.019 0.394 2.181 0.669 3.881 0.744 1.706 0.075 2.25 0.094 6.594 0.094s4.888-0.019 6.594-0.094c1.7-0.075 2.869-0.35 3.881-0.744 1.050-0.406 1.944-0.956 2.831-1.844s1.438-1.781 1.844-2.831c0.394-1.019 0.669-2.181 0.744-3.881 0.075-1.706 0.094-2.25 0.094-6.594s-0.019-4.887-0.094-6.594c-0.075-1.7-0.35-2.869-0.744-3.881-0.394-1.063-0.938-1.956-1.831-2.844-0.887-0.887-1.781-1.438-2.831-1.844-1.019-0.394-2.181-0.669-3.881-0.744-1.712-0.081-2.256-0.1-6.6-0.1v0z"></path>
<path d="M16 7.781c-4.537 0-8.219 3.681-8.219 8.219s3.681 8.219 8.219 8.219 8.219-3.681 8.219-8.219c0-4.537-3.681-8.219-8.219-8.219zM16 21.331c-2.944 0-5.331-2.387-5.331-5.331s2.387-5.331 5.331-5.331c2.944 0 5.331 2.387 5.331 5.331s-2.387 5.331-5.331 5.331z"></path>
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<?php }
* Output specific CSS styles
* @since 2.0
function css_styles($styles, $atts, $selector, $class_obj) {
// Make sure we only fire this once for this exact Class
if ( get_class($class_obj) !== get_class($this) ) {
return $styles;
// Repeater ID fix
if ($this->in_repeater_cycle()) return;
$selector = $this->get_corrected_element_selector($selector);
$options = $atts['original'];
if ( !isset( $options["icon-style"] ) ) {
$options["icon-style"] = "";
ob_start(); ?>
<?php echo $selector; ?>.oxy-social-icons {
<?php if ( isset( $options["icon-layout"] ) ) : ?>
flex-direction: <?php echo $options["icon-layout"]; ?>;
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( isset( $options["icon-space-between-icons"] ) ) : ?>
margin-right: -<?php echo $options["icon-space-between-icons"]; ?>px;
margin-bottom: -<?php echo $options["icon-space-between-icons"]; ?>px;
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $selector; ?>.oxy-social-icons a {
font-size: <?php echo $options["icon-size"]; ?>px;
<?php if ( isset( $options["icon-space-between-icons"] ) ) : ?>
margin-right: <?php echo $options["icon-space-between-icons"]; ?>px;
margin-bottom: <?php echo $options["icon-space-between-icons"]; ?>px;
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($options["icon-style"] == 'circle') {
echo "border-radius: 50%;";
} else if ($options["icon-style"] == 'square') {
echo "border-radius: 0;";
} else {
echo $options["icon-style"];
} ?>
<?php if ($options["icon-style"] != 'blank' && isset($options["icon-background-color"])) { ?>
background-color: <?php echo oxygen_vsb_get_global_color_value($options["icon-background-color"]); ?>;
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($options["icon-style"] != 'blank' && isset($options["icon-background-hover-color"])) { ?>
<?php echo $selector; ?>.oxy-social-icons a:hover {
background-color: <?php echo oxygen_vsb_get_global_color_value($options["icon-background-hover-color"]); ?>;
<?php } ?>
if ( isset( $options["icon-use-brand-colors"] ) && $options["icon-use-brand-colors"]=="yes") {
if ($options["icon-style"] != "blank") {
foreach ($this->network_colors as $network => $color) { ?>
<?php echo $selector; ?>.oxy-social-icons a.oxy-social-icons-<?php echo $network; ?> {
background-color: <?php echo $color; ?>;
<?php echo $selector; ?>.oxy-social-icons a.oxy-social-icons-<?php echo $network; ?>:hover {
background-color: <?php echo $this->network_hover_colors[$network]; ?>;
$options['icon-color'] = '#fff';
$options['icon-hover-color'] = '#fff';
} else {
foreach ($this->network_colors as $network => $color) { ?>
<?php echo $selector; ?>.oxy-social-icons a.oxy-social-icons-<?php echo $network; ?> svg {
color: <?php echo oxygen_vsb_get_global_color_value($color); ?>;
<?php echo $selector; ?>.oxy-social-icons a.oxy-social-icons-<?php echo $network; ?>:hover svg {
color: <?php echo oxygen_vsb_get_global_color_value($this->network_hover_colors[$network]); ?>;
<?php }
} ?>
<?php echo $selector; ?>.oxy-social-icons a svg {
<?php if ($options["icon-style"] != 'blank') { ?>
width: 0.5em;
height: 0.5em;
<?php } else { ?>
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
<?php } ?>
<?php if (isset($options["icon-color"])) : ?>
color: <?php echo oxygen_vsb_get_global_color_value($options["icon-color"]); ?>;
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (isset($options["icon-hover-color"])) : ?>
<?php echo $selector; ?>.oxy-social-icons a:hover svg {
color: <?php echo oxygen_vsb_get_global_color_value($options["icon-hover-color"]); ?>;
<?php endif; ?>
<?php return $styles . ob_get_clean();
// Create instance
global $oxygen_vsb_components;
$oxygen_vsb_components['social_icons'] = new Oxy_Social_Icons( array(
'name' => __('Social Icons','oxygen'),
'tag' => 'oxy_social_icons',
'params' => array(
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("Facebook","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-facebook",
"value" => "",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("Facebook Link Title","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "title-facebook",
"value" => "Visit our Facebook",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("Instagram","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-instagram",
"value" => "",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("Instagram Link Title","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "title-instagram",
"value" => "Visit our Instagram",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("Twitter","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-twitter",
"value" => "",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("Twitter Link Title","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "title-twitter",
"value" => "Visit our Twitter",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("LinkedIn","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-linkedin",
"value" => "",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("LinkedIn Link Title","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "title-linkedin",
"value" => "Visit our LinkedIn",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("RSS","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-rss",
"value" => "",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("RSS Link Title","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "title-rss",
"value" => "Visit our RSS feed",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("YouTube","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-youtube",
"value" => "",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("YouTube Link Title","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "title-youtube",
"value" => "Visit our YouTube channel",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("TikTok","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-tiktok",
"value" => "",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("TikTok Link Title","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "title-tiktok",
"value" => "Visit our TikTok channel",
"css" => false,
"type" => "radio",
"heading" => __("Link Target", "oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-link-target",
"value" => array(
"_blank" => __("New Tab", "oxygen"),
"_self" => __("Current Tab", "oxygen"),
"css" => false,
"type" => "radio",
"heading" => __("Layout", "oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-layout",
"value" => array(
"row" => __("Row", "oxygen"),
"column" => __("Column", "oxygen"),
"css" => false,
"type" => "slider-measurebox",
"heading" => __("Icon Size","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-size",
"value" => "50",
"min" => "10",
"max" => "100",
"param_units" => 'px',
"css" => false,
"type" => "slider-measurebox",
"heading" => __("Space Between Icons","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-space-between-icons",
"value" => "10",
"min" => "0",
"max" => "60",
"param_units" => 'px',
"css" => false,
"type" => "colorpicker",
"heading" => __("Background Color", "oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-background-color",
"value" => "",
"css" => false,
"condition" => "icon-use-brand-colors=no"
"type" => "colorpicker",
"heading" => __("Icon Color", "oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-color",
"value" => "",
"css" => false,
"condition" => "icon-use-brand-colors=no"
"type" => "colorpicker",
"heading" => __("Background Hover Color", "oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-background-hover-color",
"value" => "",
"css" => false,
"condition" => "icon-use-brand-colors=no"
"type" => "colorpicker",
"heading" => __("Icon Hover Color", "oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-hover-color",
"value" => "",
"css" => false,
"condition" => "icon-use-brand-colors=no"
"type" => "checkbox",
"heading" => __("Use brand colors","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-use-brand-colors",
"value" => "no",
"true_value" => "yes",
"false_value" => "no",
"css" => false,
"type" => "radio",
"heading" => __("Icon Style", "oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-style",
"value" => array(
"blank" => __("Blank", "oxygen"),
"circle" => __("Circle", "oxygen"),
"square" => __("Square", "oxygen"),
"css" => false,
'advanced' => array(
"other" => array(
"values" => array(
'not_css_params' => array(
I had success by creating a plugin or inserting php code to just add tiktok to the networks already present:
Plugin Name: Oxygen Custom Social Icons
Description: Adds TikTok to the Oxygen Builder's Social Icons component.
Version: 1.0
Author: Honigbrot
// Prevent direct access to the file
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
// Ensure Oxygen Builder is active before running this code
if (class_exists('Oxy_Social_Icons')) {
class Oxy_Social_Icons_Custom extends Oxy_Social_Icons {
public function __construct($options) {
// Extend the networks array
$this->networks[] = 'tiktok';
$this->network_colors['tiktok'] = '#69C9D0';
$this->network_hover_colors['tiktok'] = '#A35FE1';
function svg_output() {
<svg style="position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden;" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<!-- Existing SVGs here -->
<symbol id="oxy-social-icons-icon-tiktok" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
<path d="M26.9,6.8c-.2,0-.5-.2-.6-.4-.6-.4-1.1-.8-1.6-1.4-1.2-1.4-1.7-2.8-1.8-3.8h0c-.2-.8-.2-1.3,0-1.3h-5.5v22.1h0c-.2,1.6-1,3.1-2.4,3.8-.7.4-1.5.6-2.3.6-2.5,0-4.7-2.1-4.7-4.7s2.1-4.7,4.7-4.7,1,0,1.5.2v-5.6c-2.8-.4-5.7.5-7.9,2.3-.9.8-1.8,1.8-2.4,2.9-.2.4-1.1,2-1.2,4.6,0,1.5.4,3,.6,3.7h0c.2.4.6,1.7,1.5,,1.5,1.6,2.4,2.2h0c2.7,1.8,5.6,1.7,5.6,1.7.5,0,2.2,0,4.1-.9,2.1-1,3.4-2.5,3.4-2.5.8-.9,1.4-1.9,1.8-3.1.5-1.3.7-2.9.7-3.5v-11.3l.9.6s1.3.8,3.3,1.4c1.5.4,3.4.5,3.4.5v-5.4c-.7,0-2.1-.2-3.4-.8h0Z"></path>
// Replace the original component with the customized one
global $oxygen_vsb_components;
$oxygen_vsb_components['social_icons'] = new Oxy_Social_Icons_Custom(array(
'name' => __('Social Icons','oxygen'),
'tag' => 'oxy_social_icons',
'params' => array(
// Add TikTok fields along with the existing fields
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("TikTok","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "icon-tiktok",
"value" => "",
"css" => false,
"type" => "textfield",
"heading" => __("TikTok Link Title","oxygen"),
"param_name" => "title-tiktok",
"value" => "Visit our TikTok",
"css" => false,
'advanced' => array(
"other" => array(
"values" => array(
'not_css_params' => array(
I would like to add Pinterest and GitHub to my social icons component list.
Many people have social accounts with services in addition to the ones available.
A number of themes and plugins have a longer list of options. OceanWP for example. If possible, the most flexibility would be to allow us a custom option, but if this is not possible, could you please add the above two (Pinterest and GitHub).
Thank you