soflyy / oxygen-bugs-and-features

Bug Reports & Feature Requests for Oxygen
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Grid on elements with classes gets !important in css #2493

Open ksvhlm opened 3 years ago

ksvhlm commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug If you use the grid builder from oxygen on an element with a class (with the class selected) you get two display: grid properties, one has !important but the other one does not, the element cannot be changed to flex/block if you use media queries or css stylesheets within the builder

Can be seen on the parent div block in the sandbox link below

A link to a Sandbox site where the bug has been reproduced (REQUIRED)

ksvhlm commented 2 years ago

image I also noticed it on easy posts .oxy-posts class, without a class, however there is only one instance of display: grid

wittywolk commented 1 year ago

2 years and this bug still drives me mad.