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Bug Reports & Feature Requests for Oxygen
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DECLINED: Oxygen Rebuild #2972

Closed SlmnAntnll closed 2 years ago

SlmnAntnll commented 2 years ago

Describe the feature you'd like to see included in Oxygen. A clear, detailed description of the feature you're requesting.

I’m requesting a complete rebuild of Oxygen Builder using the newest technology possible. Designers and developers want, and need, a tool that will help them propel Wordpress website development into the future.

Problem: Oxygen is currently built on old technology, it’s not the speediest loading builder, it has some annoying bugs that have been plaguing it for some time, and it’s missing various additions/features that users have been requesting for years.

Solution: Rebuild Oxygen from the ground up using the most recent technology to future proof and continue the best Wordpress builder. Completely restructure the brand and pricing strategies as to ensure the ability to be able to meet market/community/support demand, to be able to advertise and market properly and to be able to continue funding the best Wordpress builder in the universe well into the future.

Possible Rebrand ‘Oxygen Prime’

A product name that still uses the established name ‘Oxygen’ with the differentiator ‘Prime’ meaning of first and/or best quality

It’s also a bit of a play on Optimus Prime who was a leader and advocate for two worlds to coexist. Which Oxygen creates—both Designers and Developers love working with Oxygen and it is a leader in this space.

What are the use cases for this feature? e.g. Accessibility, e-commerce store that sells bicycles, etc.

Helping Developers and Designers propel Wordpress website development into the future.

Examples of this feature or functionality. If another product has done it well, provide examples here.

marcorubiol commented 2 years ago


PingDesign commented 2 years ago

Yes, this is what we want! Oxygen is for developers/webflow designers and Breakdance is the Elementor/Divi non techie competitor.

greenyboy commented 2 years ago

+1 from me

adrien-robert commented 2 years ago

We want a site builder within WordPress for professionals! Look at the market of Webflow. Please don't tell that the market is too small... Just keep providing the best tool for web developers to build professionals and the best possible websites within WordPress.

gmitovsr commented 2 years ago

I created an account just to reply to this and tell the devs i support this.

avocadesign commented 2 years ago

If this was to be done accessibility would also have to be front and centre. Accessible menus, accesibile modals, every aspect.

richardroscoe commented 2 years ago

Yes please! Happy to pay a subscription.

boldfish commented 2 years ago

Don't worry about backwards compatibility, all websites get rebuilt eventually, we'd like to do rebuilds using a better Oxygen, and not lose our clients to a competitor.

It's that, or do rewrites in a different builder.

Raiondesign commented 2 years ago

Yes this would be game changer! Let’s breathe Some new fresh oxygen!

desupero commented 2 years ago

I want it to actually work with Toolset which you said it would Louis!

SuperfastWP commented 2 years ago

I will happily pay a subscription to make this happen!

Larotu commented 2 years ago

+1 from me

DCubin commented 2 years ago

+1 for oxys future

IKuipers1 commented 2 years ago

+1 from me

xternalhunter commented 2 years ago

+1 for sure. Largely been rebuilt in Breakdance, just take off the intentional throttling and add the extras back in

elmichalos commented 2 years ago
shibupandit commented 2 years ago

+1 for oxy future

stphnwlkr commented 2 years ago


My prediction is that the team will determine it is too hard to maintain two products and will begin to port Oxygen features over to the new builder. Version 1, when finally released, will be the replacement for Oxygen. Maybe they will take a page out of the Elementor playbook and release a free version for basic users and a paid version (subscription model instead of LTD) to add all the advanced features. In fact, they could probably sell two upper-tier versions — advanced and advanced developer.

Web-Assist commented 2 years ago

+1 - An annual subscription is welcome to keep Oxygen profitable, healthy and the devs motivated, after all, no profit, no business.

peterteszary commented 2 years ago


MrKubb commented 2 years ago

Do it !

JTabdesign commented 2 years ago

Please do this! There is nothing close to Oxy on the market, there is a much larger market than you know

Spellhammer commented 2 years ago

Rebuilding the entire product is not a feature request.

frucci99 commented 2 years ago


emil-moldovan commented 2 years ago


Jehu commented 2 years ago

+1 If Oxygen is to have a future, a rewrite is inevitable! Changing to a subscription based pricing model is okay if it secures the future of the product.

kevindewidt commented 2 years ago


afed79 commented 2 years ago

Please reconsider. Prediction: Breakdance will not survive long. It's a better Oxygen or nothing.

xternalhunter commented 2 years ago

Please reconsider.

Prediction: Breakdance will not survive long. It's a better Oxygen or nothing.

Alarming how many people starting to jump ship to Bricks, I love Oxy and want it to work but facts are facts :(

avocadesign commented 2 years ago

Please reconsider. Prediction: Breakdance will not survive long. It's a better Oxygen or nothing.

Alarming how many people starting to jump ship to Bricks, I love Oxy and want it to work but facts are facts :(

The pace of development at Bricks is staggering coming from Oxygen - 1.5 Beta is a massive upgrade and closes the gap on the essential missing features in pretty much all but:

In a few months there won't be a functional gap and then Oxygen is gone for us. On it's current codebase and trajectory Oxygen can't compete on:

I'm grateful to Oxygen for making me a better developer and allowing us to design some amazing websites but Bricks has all that and a better faster interface that's more suited to being a Productive web developer as well as a good one.

aQziany commented 2 years ago
