Environment: PHP 8.1, WP 6.4.1, Oxy 4.7.1
Situation: In Builder for templates/posts containing Conditions, set to AND (default) and "Show/Hide Based on Condition"
File and Function:
Builder evaluates Condition if set to "Show/Hide Based on Condition".
Depending on type (AND/OR) the $conditionsData does or does not contain an array key "type":
AND : No "type" key, OR: type => "1"
Environment: PHP 8.1, WP 6.4.1, Oxy 4.7.1 Situation: In Builder for templates/posts containing Conditions, set to AND (default) and "Show/Hide Based on Condition"
File and Function: /wp-content/plugins/oxygen/component-framework/component-init.php global_conditions_result()
Warning and Call Stack:
Description: Builder evaluates Condition if set to "Show/Hide Based on Condition". Depending on type (AND/OR) the $conditionsData does or does not contain an array key "type": AND : No "type" key, OR: type => "1"
Solution: Change $or = $conditionsData['type'] == "1"?true:false; To $or = ($conditionsData['type']??'') == "1"?true:false;