soflyy / oxygen-bugs-and-features

Bug Reports & Feature Requests for Oxygen
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"Theme Disabler" can't be disabled anymore #3496

Closed maltmann-muc closed 5 months ago

maltmann-muc commented 5 months ago

Oxygen "disables" the theme by setting non-existing template paths. However, some plugins require a theme to e.g. store templates. Sample: Plugin "Ultimate Member" wants to store email templates in the theme folder.

To solve this, it was possible to install a blank theme, and simply disable the Oxygen "Theme Disabler" by dynamically removing the filters "template", "template_directory" and "stylesheet_directory". Or also by adding a folder "/wp-content/themes/oxygen-is-not-a-theme".

To solve the theme-related issues with WordPress 6.4, a new action has been added for "setup_theme". But this action is implemented as an inline function, making it impossible to remove it dynamically. See screenshot.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-22 um 14 45 00 Kopie

Please implement the function for action hook "setup_theme" as a normal function, so it can be removed dynamically.

Spellhammer commented 5 months ago

We have never officially supported the re-enablement of themes when using Oxygen.

Any plugins that require template overrides should provide a plugin-based way to do them, like WooCommerce does.

maltmann-muc commented 5 months ago

That's a bold statement. Oxygen disables themes, one important key component of WordPress. And you state this design flaw should be solved by the plugins relaying on that key component?

You don't need to "officially support" the re-enablement, just change the action a bit to allow removing it – at our own risk.

function ct_remove_theme_paths() {
    $GLOBALS['wp_template_path']   = null;
    $GLOBALS['wp_stylesheet_path'] = null;
add_action( 'setup_theme', 'ct_remove_theme_paths');
Spellhammer commented 5 months ago

And you state this design flaw should be solved by the plugins relaying on that key component?

It's not a design flaw. It's how Oxygen was built on purpose. It's always been this way, people just found a way to work around it by bypassing our measures to disable the theme. Our policy has always been to not support sites using these methods because Oxygen was not designed to work with these measures bypassed.

You don't need to "officially support" the re-enablement, just change the action a bit to allow removing it – at our own risk.

If we "just change the action a bit" we need to:

All for something we do not support or advise people to do.

When you modify software to do something it was never intended to do, it's a calculated risk and the onus is on you to maintain that unsupported behavior if a core update ever breaks your modifications. I know this is clear to you as well from the "at our own risk" portion of the quote above.

perrelet commented 2 months ago


Yet another won't fix because won't fix courtesy of captain won't fix.

Please explain how refactoring this hook from a closure to an addressable method or function would increase development costs. Surely you can't be serious 🙃

p.s. Congrats on alienating your customers.