soflyy / oxygen-bugs-and-features

Bug Reports & Feature Requests for Oxygen
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Add more BREAKPOINTS for resposive design #3514

Closed LeSill closed 3 months ago

LeSill commented 3 months ago

Hi everyone, I'm working on a website, and I've tested the layout on a few different screens: a 25-inch 4K resolution screen, a 19-inch HD resolution screen, a 15-inch laptop screen, a tablet, a mobile device, and so on. However, I've run out of breakpoints to make my design look great on some of the screens. I looked up how to add more breakpoints on a few websites and saw that someone had requested more a few years ago. However, it doesn't appear that the feature has been implemented as of yet. A SETTING OF MORE BREAKPOINTS IS ESSENTIAL. Please implement this function as soon as you can, so we won't have to tell our clients that their website won't look fantastic on all devices.

Many thanks

Kpudlo commented 3 months ago

Duplicate of