soflyy / oxygen-bugs-and-features

Bug Reports & Feature Requests for Oxygen
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Page Builders Integration: **Oxygen Builder** & **Breakdance Builder** #3531

Open TLawless16 opened 1 month ago

TLawless16 commented 1 month ago

Integrate / Support using Page Generator Pro ( as I have an SEO Agency and use this plugin for mass page building.

Here is what Page Builder Pro says about integrating with Breakdance and Oxygen, maybe you can make it a little easier and pick up some more clients in the process… 😉

• Generate: Page Builders Integration: Oxygen Builder Link:

• Generate: Page Builders Integration: Breakdance Builder Link:

I sent this same information in response to my question about the integrations with PGPro directly.

I will also be purchasing Breakdance hoping to see both directly integrated with Page Builder Pro soon… 😊

Thanks! Tim

Describe the feature you'd like to see included in Oxygen. A clear, detailed description of the feature you're requesting.

What are the use cases for this feature? e.g. Accessibility, e-commerce store that sells bicycles, etc.

Examples of this feature or functionality. If another product has done it well, provide examples here.